USB Biometrics with Windows Hello


New Member
Hi all,

I recently bought a Fingerprint scanner and I am worried it is just a camera but before I give up I thought of asking around here.

I want to use a fingerprint sensor on my desk and been searching for one with the right size/prize/material and i thought I finaly found a scanner but I can't seem to let it work with Windows Hello.
I installed the product drivers but it didn't became a biometric device so I wonderd around and installed some generic u.are.u drivers that tell me the device works fine with it, but Windows hello doesn't want to see it as a viable option for loggin in, I get the error " we coulnd't find a fingerprint sensor competible with Windows Hello".
I've tried multiple guides and videos but nothing seem to work.
Also i've seen many people recommend to edit some local policies but i am on Windows Home, so I don't have any policies so could upgrade to win pro help?

Thx for the read, hope you have some good suggestions.