Do you all have names for you computer?


New Member
*Random question*
I watched the movie Hackers which is a great film and i noticed they names all there computers. Do you guys have names for your computer? Like one guy on Hackers named his pc Lucy.

Whats your computers names?

I am building a new computer right away and i plan on naming it. After i take er for a test drive of course.
My computers name is Blood Buddy because I cut myself 7 times while putting it together haha that sucked there is still a blood mark on one of the edges I never wiped off.
how the hell do you people cut yourself so much on these things? emo cases?

mine is called jenna jameson. cuz sometimes its hot, then its not, then its dead. :)
how the hell do you people cut yourself so much on these things? emo cases?

mine is called jenna jameson. cuz sometimes its hot, then its not, then its dead. :)

Haha nice name I can see how that works :good:.

My case is cheap and has a lot of sharp edges and corners just goes to show you get what you pay for:rolleyes:.
mine is called jenna jameson. cuz sometimes its hot, then its not, then its dead. :)

that is pretty funny! :D

Whats your computers names?

you mean the network id? my P3 is called Blackmesa, because i learned a lot about computers with it, and it's in a black case.
my C2Duo is called NesPC because i stuck it in a NES shell.
my C2Quad is called Broli because it a godly computer.
i've used names from the odyssey for some of my VMs like Minerva, Penelope, Helen etc.
Haha nice name I can see how that works :good:.

My case is cheap and has a lot of sharp edges and corners just goes to show you get what you pay for:rolleyes:.

lol, mine is the same, i have a scar on the back of one of my fingers when i got down to bone with an edge. My blood is still on the banister going up the stairs from when i did it, never wiped it off yet :p

mine is called "oh you stupid f**king thing"
I am very unoriginal.


I name any server I set up after a British car company; i.e. my local file server is called Vauxhall! It's an odd naming system but hey it works. None of my other machines have a name though...
My computers name is Blue after all the Blue LED lights in it. I tend to ask it where it's clues are because I'm clever
My home computers are all named ambiguously; whatever strikes my fancy. EIN, Decoy, Excel etc.

My servers hostnames are all signs of the zodiac.
lol, mine is the same, i have a scar on the back of one of my fingers when i got down to bone with an edge. My blood is still on the banister going up the stairs from when i did it, never wiped it off yet :p

mine is called "oh you stupid f**king thing"

lol I used that phrase a couple of times when I put my rig together.
i have names for all four computers in the house. Its so i can see the network and identify the computer in the room. Garage, master, wife's computer, basement etc.
want to know where im putting it or which one im getting it from on the network.
I don't name computers... but i tend to call them "mother***ing piece of ****" when they do things that annoy me, or refuse to accept new hardware/software