A Firewall Question


New Member

Can someone reassure me about my firewall set-up?

When I made the change from Norton to Kaspersky (at last) a while ago I was advised that it was not worthwhile me paying (or free) for a firewall as my router has a supposedly good one in it.

Anyway at the moment all I am using is the Windows XP SP2 firewall with the router firewall enabled, is this good enough because I would rather not install an unnecessary piece of software


New Member

Can someone reassure me about my firewall set-up?

When I made the change from Norton to Kaspersky (at last) a while ago I was advised that it was not worthwhile me paying (or free) for a firewall as my router has a supposedly good one in it.

Anyway at the moment all I am using is the Windows XP SP2 firewall with the router firewall enabled, is this good enough because I would rather not install an unnecessary piece of software
you should be fine with the built in xp firewall and your router firewall. Your router will protect you from most attack outside of your network and the xp firewall will protect you from attack within your network. For example if one computer on your network (if you have a network, not sure) got infected with a virus it would have more trouble spreading to your comptuer because of the windows firewall.


VIP Member
Personally I just run hardware SP2 firewall in my router w/ NAT enabled, and I don't even bother running software based firewalls. Completely spyware and virus free as well. Then again I don't use crappy apps (download clients) and download crap from limewire. I also look at every file before I download it. if it has an exe and it and shouldn't I don't download it.

NAT completely disables remote hosts from connecting to your computer, so anything on your ISP's network will not be allowed access to your home network. Give whatever app you want internet access to carte blanche via port forwarding, and you are set.

This set up does require you to actually be a bit more careful but if you use crap like limewire and download things from unsecure sources you are asking for trouble in the first place.

I also recommend using web based email.


New Member
Ok cool that’s sounds good

I am pretty careful on the net, rarely download things, mainly patches or well know utilities.

My router is a BT Home Hub (British Telecom)

And the firewall setting is described as


Use this Security Level to allow all outgoing connections and block all incoming traffic. Game & Application sharing is allowed by the firewall.. "

There are only two more levels of setting

Off or Block all

I know port forwarding is there because some games (Halo) I have trouble making my own server. As the other users are either not able to see me or the game trys to connect to me direct (my IP) the only way round this is to use the router IP, but meh

I am pretty happy with it all.

Thanks guys