FTP remote server (SERV-U)


New Member
I install my SERV-U for ftp remote server...

But when i put my ip addy and put the port too...it didn't work..on this computer> (and yes i forward the port number 78 on my router) still not work..anyone help me?



New Member
hmm i got error....man... i put my ip addy (not the router ip addy) with :port 2000 and it work very well on my computer loop ...BUT when i connect to this serv-u on the different computer...still not working




Staff member
hmm I got error....man... I put my ip addy (not the router ip addy) with :port 2000 and it work very well on my computer loop ...BUT when I connect to this serv-u on the different computer...still not working
1. Set the hosting computer to manually set its IP from the router
2. Set ServU to "automatically" pick an IP (i.e., leave the box blank)
3. If you want, give your computer an "easy" network name
4. Make sure you forward ports as required

Now you can access (firewall rules aside) the FTP server from anywhere. If you're conecting from the LAN u can just use the "easy" name instead of the IP. If you're connecting from outside the LAN you'll need to connect to your external ip and port