Motherboard vs case


New Member
K, if a motherboard says it can support 8 usb ports, does that mean that I half to find a case that can support 8 usb ports?


New Member
I'm not the expert on mobos and cases, but if I'm not mistaken (and please correct me if I'm wrong), just because a mobo can support 8 usb ports dosen't mean it must support 8 usb ports. You can buy a case with any number of usb ports up to 8.


New Member
Usually there are 2-4 on the mobo (on the back near mouse and keyboard plugs) and has pins ON the mobo to plug up to 4 more for the front case (usually comes with 2 on newer cases) or some mobos (like abit) come with 2usb and 2firewire that take a PCI slot and plug into the pins on mobo.


New Member
Well you were right, it just supports UP TO 8. But then there are PCI slots that can utiliize more, so eh.. What board are you (Crazed) using specifically so we can give you a exact number and layout.