Network virusscanning


New Member

i need a program that can scan all my computers in a network for virusses. Is there any tool that i can run from my computer to see wich other computer on the network has a virus?



Staff member
Odds are you'll need a managed server antivirus? Either that you might be able to pull it off by using shared drive scanning but i dunno if thats doable


Staff member
If you didnt pick it up from my other response: it depends. Do you want to do it managed virusscanning (for which there are tons of solutions) or unmanaged-shared-drive solution (which im not sure if its possible)


New Member
Praetor said:
Odds are you'll need a managed server antivirus? Either that you might be able to pull it off by using shared drive scanning but i dunno if thats doable

NAV for managed servers (corporate) may be the best bet (along with what praetor said)


Staff member
Werent managed servers a part of the enterprise suiite? (yes i know the corporate suite has them too but they arent so great especially when you start increasing the size of the network)


New Member
yea, the time that it takes for a scan will increase as the size of the network does.

either way, if you bite the bullet and use the corp, eventually it will scan through (cross fingers) remove whatever infections. blah blah

in the real world, you would setup NAV on all clients, and the server edition on all servers. all attachments that contained compromising files would be quar. and whatever infections are automatically moved.


Staff member
If you want to setup that kinda deal make sure you make use of the Rapid Release definitions :)