what to do?


New Member
Ok so im replacing my ram mobo and chipset and was wondering since im using the same hard drive what will i need to do. Reinstall os? or anything else? and how do i do it


New Member
If the OS in a recent one, then you can just add the new hardware and leave the HDD. When Windows/OS */*nix or whatever OS you have boots up, it will pick it up and install any neccessary drivers. Also, the BIOS will recognize it as soon as you turn it on.


Staff member
Ok so im replacing my ram mobo and chipset and was wondering since im using the same hard drive what will I need to do. Reinstall os? or anything else?
Yeah you'll have to reinstall (and if you dont HAVE to -- you SHOULD).

If the OS in a recent one, then you can just add the new hardware and leave the HDD
Only by fluke and then problems will come up.

When Windows/OS */*nix or whatever OS you have boots up, it will pick it up and install any neccessary drivers
Now what happens if the drivers arent available? (think about it for a sec before you reply :p)

and how do I do it
Have a read: http://www.winsupersite.com/showcase/windowsxp_sg.asp