Why is my screen not displaying anything and the fan turning on and off??


New Member
OK, so I am trying to fix an hp laptop that is kind of old. The issue originally was that is was only displaying diagnostic tests and would not let you access the windows os. I'm not exactly sure what the problem would be there but anyway. I recently powered it up and the result was that the computer only displayed a different color when I turned it on( It didnt actually display anything.) And oddly enough it seems that every time I power it up the fan turns on for about 6 seconds before turning off. What could be the problem here? When I mess with the Cmos battery and the hardrive it seems to randomly cause the fan to turn on or off for that matter. I should also mention that I have found a beep code on the caps lock to say that it is a memory problem. I'm getting a new cmos battery, but am actually not sure what the fix is. If someone could help me that would be greatly appreciated>
If the beepcode references memory then try removing and reinserting the memory sticks. And if that don't work then try getting new memory and try. Not much else we can tell you to do without taking it in and have someone diagnose it for you.