First Comp. 1500$ - Monitor +Case

Not sure if this was mentioned already but the i7 860 wont be compatible with the bloodrage mobo because the sockets for the 860 require 1156 socket thus the bloodrage has the 1366 socket. As most people have said already, get the i7-920.
Not sure if this was mentioned already but the i7 860 wont be compatible with the bloodrage mobo because the sockets for the 860 require 1156 socket thus the bloodrage has the 1366 socket. As most people have said already, get the i7-920.

He updated his build in a Public Wishlist on Newegg. Waiting for the link to update.

There we go, added your wishlist number to the public wishlist link, should work correctly now.

Also, about the 7200.12 that was mentioned earlier.... They actually are faster than the 7200.12 in read/write, however the 500gb is slower in random access due to it being a single platter drive(the 1TB however is on par with the 7200.11 in access time as well as being quite a bit faster in read/write).
k thanks, im having a friend check it over to make sure their isn't anything better.

Vid card came back in stock :)

Tell u guys what he says probably tommorow

Best regards,
My friend said

"The single hard will be a bottle neck with this system. You can opt for two hard drives--one VelociRaptor, e.g.: , and one regular drive (like the one you listed). You can place the things that you want to load quickly on the fast drive (OS, some games, etc.) and use the bigger/slower drive for storage (music, videos, etc.)"

for the video card "As for the video card, it is very nice, but I tend to prefer Nvidia. Here, you can also spend less without sacrificing performance. The memory of the card far exceeds the bandwidth...this is an indication that you will not lose anything by going to a slightly lower memory/same bandwidth card, but you will save a lot. Check this one, a customer choice award winner: ."

PSU: "PSU: I would not purchase that power supply. PSUs are a weak point in computers, you should get the most trusted one. See here:"
PC Power and Cooling is arguably the best power supply you can buy.

Read this article to the end, and look at the numbers closely.,2433.html

I use nVidia cards also, but if I were doing a build right now, I would choose
ATI, simply based on price for performance. Like I said, you won't find anything from nVidia that will touch the HD 5850 for the same price.

If you decide to get an nVidia card, make sure you let us know because you'll want a different motherboard, because the GTI is Crossfire only, not SLI, in case you want to add another card later.
Hi i talked with my friend and he said that the video card would make the processer the limiting factor. He also said that this video card he has will run Crysis on max which is basically the most demanding game i play.

also the power supply he said was not good at all and he recomended this

he also convinced me that i should run two hard rives not in R.A.I.D. this was the best that came up
Hi i talked with my friend and he said that the video card would make the processer the limiting factor. He also said that this video card he has will run Crysis on max which is basically the most demanding game i play.

also the power supply he said was not good at all and he recomended this

he also convinced me that i should run two hard rives not in R.A.I.D. this was the best that came up
Again, that graphics card will not run crysis anywhere near maxxed, not even a 5850 will totally max out crysis(i should know, i have one and used to run two in SLI, even in SLI you cannot max crysis with that card). The i7 limiting a 5850? Honestly, your friend seems to not know anything about what he is talking about, currently games are GPU limited, not CPU limited.

The pcpower and cooling is the best power supply on the market, the corsair is decent, but it uses channelwell internals, which are lower quality than the seasonic internals that the pcp&c has. Also, the velociraptors are SLOWER than a 7200.12 for overall read/write performance.
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he said something about running the OS and other essentials on the velocirapter and the other one for storage games. The velocirapter is very high rated on Newegg if it matters much.
he said something about running the OS and other essentials on the velocirapter and the other one for storage games. The velocirapter is very high rated on Newegg if it matters much.
Newegg ratings dont mean anything, i have used velociraptors and personally benchmarked them as well, they are slower read/write than the caviar blacks OR the 7200.12 line, and the 2ms decrease in seek time isnt going to help much at all, the only real way to get any better than a 7200.12 or Caviar black is to go with an SSD.
o.k. i have a cavier black from before that i can use so i dont need any other drives. I'm going to have to decrease now tho because my other friend who was going to give me an OS from his work at a cheap price can't. i calculated it and with the cheap video card my friend recomended im still 200$ over budget which is allowable but the video card is apparently not good enough. where can i decrease?
o.k. i have a cavier black from before that i can use so i dont need any other drives. I'm going to have to decrease now tho because my other friend who was going to give me an OS from his work at a cheap price can't. i calculated it and with the cheap video card my friend recomended im still 200$ over budget which is allowable but the video card is apparently not good enough. where can i decrease?
Could drop down to an i5 setup, but bear in mind you wont be able to SLI or Crossfire very effectively due to it being limited to 16 total pcie lanes.

is that still with the 300$ vid card?

also im going to need some sort of internal computer modem so i can hook up to the internet.

will i be sacrificing any significant speed when getting these components?
is that still with the 300$ vid card?

also im going to need some sort of internal computer modem so i can hook up to the internet.

will i be sacrificing any significant speed when getting these components?
Yeah, that would be with the 5850. Generally speaking, youll lose a bit of speed due to no hyperthreading, however the i5 is still one of the faster cpu's on the market. If you shop around, youll probably be able to find a socket 1156 i7 860 for similar price however, and will provide similar performance to the 920.