Do I need Service Pack 3?

Doctor Varney

New Member
I just recieved an update notification, saying that SP3 is ready for me to download. I looked at the MS homepage which says that support for the 32bit version of XP is finishing soon. It also says that if I am running the 64bit version, then my OS is still supported until April 2014.

Firstly, how do I determine which version of Windows XP I have here... 32 or 64bit? I've looked around my computer for information. I'm sure this info is listed somewhere so where is it?

Secondly, do I really need SP3? What's it for? Microsoft says it's for security updates but I have an anti-virus program running.

Here's the thing: I had to reinstall everything, including the OS, when my computer slowed to a crawl and would not boot up properly without a lot of choking and falling around.

The fear is, that things started to go wrong, after I had installed Windows XP Service Pack 3. That's when the trouble started. I have this machine running absolutely peachy now. It boots up in a flash, windows open instantly etc.. and it shuts down in seconds.

Of course, it might not have been SP3 that actually caused the problems but the web page states that it will not significantly change my Windows experience. So it WILL change something... right? Like what?

I'm a bit worried, as I don't want to add to this OS any more than is necessary, in case it all breaks down again. I have downloaded the white papers but I'm not sure what kind of program is required to open them, as not all of them are in pdf.

Thank you

Dr. V
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you can goto start and right click the computer then properties for info.

Take the SP3. besides security its also considered critical update.
Thank you, Tremmor. The properties of My Computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP
Home Edition
Version 2002
Service Pack 2


AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor
2.41 GHz 1.00 GB of RAM
Physical Address Extension
In what way is SP3 considered a critical update?


Dr. V
Also, according to some it actually offered a slight speed increase, presumably they did a bit of tidying it up from SP2. I always install SP3 every time I put XP on a machine (semi regularly) and I've never had any issues with it.
Yes, I read all that on the Micrsoft website, where it also says that support continues until April for SP2 for Windows 64bit. What I'm trying to find out is if I have the 32 or 64bit OS.

I'm using an AMD Athlon 64 processor.

If possible, I'd like to find out more information about what the SP3 service pack actually contains and specifically, what it will do. Does anyone know?


Dr. V
Alright... I just found this:

If "x64 Edition" is listed under System, you’re running the 64-bit version of Windows XP.

If you don’t see "x64 Edition" listed under System, you’re running the 32-bit version of Windows XP.

So I'm definitely not running the 64bit version.

Dr. V
Right click on "my computer" icon and click on properties. Look on the general tab under system, it will tell you what you are running. Most likely you are running 32 bit if you are running XP home edition since 64 bit only came in the professional version.

Some of todays programs won't work under SP2, needs SP3 in order to work. IE 8 won't even install if you are running SP2.
Alright... I just found this:

If "x64 Edition" is listed under System, you’re running the 64-bit version of Windows XP.

If you don’t see "x64 Edition" listed under System, you’re running the 32-bit version of Windows XP.

So I'm definitely not running the 64bit version. The only question now is what SP3 actually contains.

Dr. V
Right click on "my computer" icon and click on properties. Look on the general tab under system, it will tell you what you are running. Most likely you are running 32 bit if you are running XP home edition since 64 bit only came in the professional version.

Some of todays programs won't work under SP2, needs SP3 in order to work. IE 8 won't even install if you are running SP2.

Thanks. Perhaps I should be more specific about my situation here.

I am running older software, which suits my needs perfectly. Upgrading them would cost money and the software already does exactly what I need it to. I don't use Internet Explorer at all, so I definitely don't need that, for instance.

What I'm more concerned about is stability and if not having it would open up any serious security threats to my machine. I am running AVG anti-virus.

I have two hard drives, which I boot seperately from. The one which contains my audio workstation and music software is completely closed off from the internet and there is no anti-virus program or security updates to slow the system down. It is dedicated entirely to one piece of DAW software and drivers for sound. It's showing the best performance I've ever known and I expect it to stay that way for quite some time. I have no plans to install SP3 to this drive.

The other drive is where I use graphical applications and office software. That is connected to the internet. I use Firefox for browsing and email, always through a sandbox. If I need to download files for the audio workstation, I can scan them thoroughly first, before transferring them via a removable USB drive.

I'm just trying to work out what the precise advantages are going to be, before I install SP3 to the internet-enabled drive only. I am very happy with the way things are running at the moment but obviously want to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages (if any) first.

Dr. V
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Hi Dr. V In the end it is up to you the user and what you want. If you feel that SP2 is running "peachy" as you put it at the moment then leave it as is. You will not notice much change if any in installing/using Windows XP SP3. If you choose to leave SP2 on there you will most likely see no issues Especially as you are not using the internet the security updates can be avoided.
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Hi Dr. V In the end it is up to you the user and what you want. If you feel that SP2 is running "peachy" as you put it at the moment then leave it as is. You will not notice much change if any in installing/using Windows XP SP3. If you choose to leave SP2 on there you will most likely see no issues Especially as you are not using the internet the security updates can be avoided.

Thank you very much for your detailed reply, HSV_Man. I do, however, use the internet on the office & graphics drive. I think my mind is made up for the audio station.

Thanks again

Dr. V
If it ain't broke don't fix it. That being said, your system isn't exactly secure running what it's got. just be careful when your on the internet.
If it ain't broke don't fix it. That being said, your system isn't exactly secure running what it's got. just be careful when your on the internet.

Nice one. Thank you, Speedyink.

I use a sandboxed browser. If I want to recover anything from the sandbox, I can scan individual files with my virus checker.

I guess it's a case of suck it and see. I have all my files backed up and my software titles on disc. If it does get a virus, I can always re-format and re-think the decision not to use SP3.

One question: Does anyone know... when the time comes for Windows XP support to cease, will SP3 still be available or should I download and burn it to disc, just in case?

Dr. V
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SP3 will always be available they will just cease making Microsoft Updates and will no longer have online/telephone support for all versions of Windows XP.
Good question i don't think anybody knows this yet i know i have had to use that service a few times and it has worked a charm and haven't needed to talk to a microsoft employee. So short answer hopefully not lol. :p
Just my thought. Taking this critical and security update should not be a problem. Its a high priority update. Why would you not want to do it. get er done......