Tech Guide: Diagnosing a PC which will not POST or Start

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Yes, I am using a Cooler Master GLITE case, which came with the required standoffs.

UPDATE Just to check, I installed an older board (ECS A740GM-M) in this new case (using the same hardware), with the pwrsupply, HDs and CD I was using before, and it is running OK right now. So it sould not be the powersupply that is the problem
Same question remains, which is the bad part, the MoBo or the processor?
Processors rarely really go bad unless you break one of the pins whilst installing it, so I'd say the motherboard is likely bad.

Just to make sure it isn't shorting on the case can you try and run the motherboard outside of the case on a cardboard box or a large book or something?
Processors rarely really go bad unless you break one of the pins whilst installing it, so I'd say the motherboard is likely bad.

Yes, that is what my first thought was too.
BTW it is hard to force the processor into the socket, as long as you have it oriented correctly and open the lever all the way, it just drops in. At least mine did.
Before I return the MoBo, I will follow your suggestion and assemble everything outside the case. I tested an other computer that way and even used it for a while before I bought a case and packaged it.

See what happens.
Yes I know it's pretty much impossible to install a CPU the wrong way.

Do try it outside of the case. If that doesn't work, I'd support the view that you have a bad motherboard.
UPDATE 2: Now the previously assembled test setup that was working fine, does the same thing as the original assembly: it will not power up! There must be something wrong with the pwrsupply afterall!
Unfortunately, I do not have a spare available, and have to buy a new one to get this project going. Assembling it outside the case does not make much sense now, I am not gonna use a pwrsupply that is unrelaible. Have to wait until there is some cash available to do buy one, did not count on this possibility.
Thanks fellows for your advice. Keep you informed as what happens.
So hang on you put a new build into the case? If so, I reckon the issue is with your case or possibly the I/O shield.
I am in the same situation as the header of this thread, I have assembled a computer from all new parts, and it will not power up. No beeps, no lights or any sign on the monitor.

Yes, I am using a Cooler Master GLITE case, which came with the required standoffs.

UPDATE Just to check, I installed an older board (ECS A740GM-M) in this new case (using the same hardware), with the pwrsupply, HDs and CD I was using before, and it is running OK right now. QUOTE]

I should have been more specific. Just so that there are no misunderstandings; in the computer I build, (see 1st quote above and which not worked at all) the MoBo, processor, 4GB memory and Case were new, the HD, CD and pwrsupply were previuosly used in an other working computer. The HD and CD are SATA devices.

The setup that I build to check (See 2nd quote above, and was working yesterday), I used only the NEW case (Cooler Master GLITE ), but all the other parts I had used befrore. I used an old MoBo + Processor, but used the pwrsupply, HD, and CD I was planning to use in the NEW setup. (The setup that did not work)

The problem I have now, is that the test setup I build yesterday,(see above paragraph) and which was working fine at that time, did not work at all today after being shut off and retired for the night.
Since I consider the pwrsupply as the only questionable item in that setup, I blamed it for the failure.

But I do not quite understand your reply, what do you mean with the "I/O shield"? I was not aware of such a shield in a case.
This is the I/O shield plate.


It may cause problems if it's not installed correctly.
Thanks, spirit. Yes, I know that shield. Just did not know how it was called.
The latest failure I had the assembly did not use this shield. I lost it somewhere when I retired the MoBo a year ago. So it can not be that.
BTW, How can it give troubles?

Beside getting a new powersupply, the only option I have now is to pull a pwrsupply from one of my working computers and assemble the parts outside the case as you previously suggested.
I might still do that later on.
Well what could have happened is the lack of I/O shield could have meant the board was possibly making contact with the bottom of the case and shorting - that may have been the cause.

My understanding is that the I/O shield does ground the board, so if it's not installed correctly or not installed at all your board may short on the case possibly.

Yes try re-building the system out of the case using a known working PSU.
Yes try re-building the system out of the case using a known working PSU.

UPDATE - Got a working PSU and tried the system outside the case. Same result. No signs of life. No POST beeps or anything on the monitor.
I have send MSI an email requesting a RMA to return the board. Hope that they will honor their Warranty, it is less than 2 months old.
Sounds to me like you definitely have a bad board then. :( Hopefully MSI will RMA it for you.
Awesome guide. I have two laptops that haven't given me trouble with booting, but this is great information to have.
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