Official - Unigine Valley Benchmark Ranking thread


Travis what did you change in the nVidia panel? That is a nice change in performance!
Travis what did you change in the nVidia panel? That is a nice change in performance!

I don't remember off the top of my head, but I think I changed a lot of the settings back to the nVidia recommended settings for my system. I can tell you more details tonight when I get back to school.
Okay here are the control panel settings I have:

Ambient Occlusion: Off
Anisotropic Filtering: Application Controlled
Gamma Correction: On
Mode: Application Controlled
Transparency: Off
Max pre-rendered frames: 3D Application Settings
Multi Display Acceleration: Single Display
Power Management: Maximum Performance
Negative LOD: Allow
Quality: High Quality
Threaded Optimization: Auto
Triple Buffering: On
Vertical Sync: 3D Application
Thanks. I'll take a look at my settings and see what is better for me. Have you seen any performance in games at all?
Thanks. I'll take a look at my settings and see what is better for me. Have you seen any performance in games at all?

I don't, no. I can game perfectly fine without lag for basically anything. I just have to modify things because my shadow textures sometimes look like absolute crap.
Same here. I play most things maxed. I did turn on MXAA I think for games that I can't play at full settings so I can turn off in game AA and AF and still have good looks and performance.
Like I said, my performance is great, but depending on the settings, the shadows look really crappy.

Not bad for everything stock i'd say :p Graphics card got a bit hot in the bench haha got to about 70C
Here a little update from my score before I put the table on:

Used an hairdryer to keep it cool (cold-air button enabled :D)
I hate that crap cooler from xfx, I'll be happy when my arctic arrives! :p
Wow, the delta temps do have much impact on cooling lol.
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Updated scores!

Edit: I included several submissions from turbo, because he had made some hardware changes. His second best score doesn't have a rank because its only the cpu that changed.
