Looking for a good FTP download client, W/O SHOVELWARE!!!


VIP Member
So the title kinda says it all. I know I could get Filezilla and thats what the IT department recommended. But I hate Filezilla because of all the shovelware you have to wade through to get a functional program. I need a program that is fairly easy to use for non-savy users, because most of my coworkers struggle to do anything.... no joke.

If you can recommend a decent program shovelware (and obviously malware free! lol) that would be good. OR maybe theres a way to remove all that garbage that SourceForge tacks onto the download exe? I'd be ok prepping a download to remove all the crud.

Made me kinda sick when I told IT several users need a FTP but I dont want people downloading from sourceforge because of the shovelware their response was "Oh well!". I have pull at my company as one of the few people with capability with computers and have pushed to keep our department well away from FTP.
I use WinSCP. https://winscp.net/eng/download.php

What I love about WinSCP is that it will warn you on drag and drop and offer confirmations. It's loaded with features and you can backup your FTP passwords and login info to a file and use it on another computer without having to type everything again.

Filezilla offers no warning on drag and drop, and when I read their forum about why they never implemented this simple feature all they said was to alter the Windows registry to slightly pause drag and drop files so you don't accidentally drag and drop a file. Total BS. So it's WinSCP for me.

The only Filezilla product I use is Filezilla server for a local FTP.

Tip: If you use WinSCP, I set my directory to the desktop since I always transfer files between the desktop and the FTP. To do this click edit | advanced | directories, and enter you local directory as the desktop.
Filezilla is amazing, just uncheck the box to install the third party products. I'd rather have to uncheck them then deal with a paid or trial product.
ftp> open
To your.server.com
That's what I use... but it confuses my coworkers to death, I know because I tried to get them to use that method. I kept getting questions like "where are those files on my folder, why can't I save to that?"
But wait! There's more... download now and we'll include webaccelerator3.4, a $20 value, yours free! Only pay shipping and handling.

I understand wanting to try and cover costs with sponsered software and whatnot, but for the love of god make it opt in not opt out, and the confusing prompts that try to trick you into installing the stuff :mad: