Can SQL replace all programming languages?

Didn't you ask this question before?

Anyway, your 4-things-only statement is false. Consider a 3D game. Does rendering the scene count as creating, inserting, updating or deleting? How do you fit a render loop or a physics simulation into the create-insert-update-delete paradigm/shoe? How about GUI? Does handling a button click count as creating, inserting, updating or deleting? There is a bunch of problems which can't be sensibly expressed in terms of those four things. SQL is very much a domain-specific language, created for a specific purpose, and it makes no sense to think of most programs in terms of database queries and modifications.

You would not go to space on a mobility scooter, and you would not replace all programming languages with SQL.
Consider a 3D game. Does rendering the scene count as creating, inserting, updating or deleting?
Technically...yes it does :p

Create 3d object
Insert it to scene
update it to be rotated
delete it when done

That said, your answer isn't wrong :D

SQL is an extremely high level language that wouldn't be used to do anything other than talk to a database.
Can you use a Windows registry to program games? LOL! The registry is a database just as SQL is a database format.