Sos....please Help

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New Member
Hi. Im not sure where to put this. I am 99% sure my spouse is cheating on me. I am away from home now and i only come home once a month. I need some way to track her msn messenge convos while i am away. I would not ask this if i wasnt so sure of this and wanting to know the truth and have peace of mind. PLEASE HELP
Sorry to hear that, but that would be against the rules of the forum. You would be doing an illegal act by spying on her. So we can not help you. Sorry.
I dont know, there's always exceptions.....umm..yeah I would say get a keylogger.

It monitors keystrokes and then you can see what all shes typed.
It is my understanding that while you are the legal guardian of a child, you have different legal powers to monitor what you child is doing, however I also believe that does not extend to independent adults.

Because of malicious capabilities of such technologies discussed here, I'm afraid it cannot be discussed, despite the levels of sympathy shown for your situation.

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