Travis' Alienware M15x Review

What about the silent few who want to read your review? Just because fanboi bill and racer boy here don't seem to care about gaming laptops, doesn't mean none of us want to read the review. More pictures would be good too!
Com on travis, i would really like to see more pics :D Skrew the comments of g25 racer. His rag may or not beat yours. But u bought a Alienware, classy :D

Don't make me PM u :D
You can just block racer. Don't stop what you wanted to do just because some immature child had nothing else to do and flame the thread
@racerg25, dude, calm down. lol. I paid less too. but guess what, he can move his lappy around! he can have internet everywhere! He can even play games @ good settings anywhere! Whats the problem.

@ Sir Travis D: nice lappy. ill post a review of mine, since i've had it for 3 weeks, long enough to post a review....
Alienware is over-rated! Thats the TRUTH


For a while, I was looking for a slightly older A-51 laptop on Ebay. Most of them had bad motherboards, so that shows that Alienware uses cheap mobos.
no, i dont. haha, i wish...i love ur lappy. i have a dell vostro 1500, look in the sig for specs. Pretty good for games; you might laugh at the 8400M GS, but it plays CSS at max settings and race:wtcc as well, not to forget team fortress 2. I love my laptop very much....hahah.

cant wait to see the vid :D
hahaha....nice thing to show off to i hear ya. sometimes i wish my vostro did something special, but its just plain black. haha.