2x lan ports on mobo = 2gig/sec?


Hey all.


This is my home "server" mother board. It has two lan connections. can I use both as a 2gbps connection to stream movies/tv shows via itunes? currently, my streaming suffers after the first hour passes. after the first hour the stream just dies... the video stops and wont run until computer restarts. I dunno if this is a network problem(switch? router?) or just itunes sh*tty software... anyways i'm trying to get smooth streaming without having to restart halfway through a movie.

thanks all

i forgot to add. i have a dlink switch just a plain switch, not managable/smart. an asus rt n66u router. the motherboard is currently only connected through one lan port.

thanks again

will using a "smart" switch solve this streaming problem?
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You shouldn't be having any streaming issues with that speed. I would do some general cleaning. Ccleaner and check for malware. Maybe the server from where your downloading just quits responding.
is there anyway to use both lan ports to become a 2gbps connection? or does that require a managed switch?
It needs a managed switch to function properly. It's kind of deprecated without it. Using 2 lan ports is totally overkill too for video one video stream..

I don't know shit about itunes streaming but i guess you're streaming it outside your home network?

The stream just quits working i understand. Then your internet/network speed isn't the issue. It would just need to buffer some more. I'd start by checking your error logs. Both the OS logs and itunes logs for errors. What OS are we talking about by the way?

i'm using windows 7 ultimate and premium. the problem occurs both over the internet and my home network. for instance, I will be watching tv episodes. the first episode no problem, but when i go to the 2nd episode... it will load the first 5 minutes then studder then play then studder and play then completely stop playing. the stream doesn't crash, it just is in an indefinite pause.i am streaming 1080 hd shows/movies bought from itunes... the average tv show ranges from 1.5-2 gigs per episode. when i first start streaming you can hear the harddrive spooling up. perhaps the drives go to sleep after a while? idunno but its quite an annoying problem

thanks for your help :)
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Hard drives go to sleep but they should awake when needed.

When you're experiencing the problem i'd check the server immediately (resources/ task manager). And check all related logs.