$700 Budgert - Beat the Prebuilt


New Member
I'm thinking about either going pre-built, or building one. This one is at bestbuy.ca for $650, and here's the link: http://www.bestbuy.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?logon=&langid=EN&sku_id=0926INGFS10108839&catid=20217

If you guys can build me a better deal from www.ncix.com I'll get it, or I'll stick with this pre-built.


Intel Core2 Quad Q6700
1000GB 7200RPM SATA
NVIDIA 8600GT (not the best card, I want better)
Vista Home Premium 64-bit

*********PLEASE WHEN BUILDING USE www.ncix.com I buy all my stuff from there, so use that site please *****************


Surfing net
Music (2.1 Sound System)
Storing data
Using Word/Photoshop/iTunes

Please include the OS in the $700 budget. Nothing else. (no monitor, no other apps)

Basically an all around computer. I'm aiming for a 8800GT at least, the 8600GT is just not enough for my needs. I also want a Quad Core to keep myself future-proofed. Remember, please use the site www.ncix.com
I'm Canadian =p
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New Member
I put parts together on newegg to make the same system but only the specs you mention here, and its more than $1,000. And I didnt find a Q6700 on ncix.
I'd say buy that prebuilt and just upgrade whatever parts you want to upgrade. Preferably the video card and power supply.

Edit: Oh crap. I just noticed its bestbuy canada... in that case forget what i said :3


New Member
The computer looks good, but it is a refurbished one.... so i wouldn't really recommend it!

If anything it has to be new,

Can i do a build off newegg, cause they seem a lot cheaper, or don't newegg ship to you???


VIP Member
Wait til you get some more money and buy a computer that will be worth instead of buying inferior/cheap parts (or refurbed). An extra 300$ goes a long way even in buying an "average" machine.


New Member
Newegg shipping to me would be crazy, I once tried buying a pair of shoes from the States, and shipping was like $30 not even including customs. (Which is like 15%)

Why not go with a refurbished one?

Yeah, I might be able to save a few more hundred bucks, but it'll be a month or two =p But exactly what kind of a system can I get right now (self-built + new parts) with a $700 CDN budget?

And before I have already thought about replacing the 8600GT with a 8800GT and the PSU, but that costs around $250 not including taxes. So overall, it would be $900 (before taxes) not including the 22" LCD, 2.1 Sound System, Keyboard + Mouse, + Router.
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New Member
Newegg shipping to me would be crazy, I once tried buying a pair of shoes from the States, and shipping was like $30 not even including customs. (Which is like 15%)

Right, i see...

Why not go with a refurbished one?

It has been refurbished, which means done up.

Yeah, I might be able to save a few more hundred bucks, but it'll be a month or two =p But exactly what kind of a system can I get right now (self-built + new parts) with a $700 CDN budget?

Canadian, right now i understand, well why not www.tigerdirect.ca or when www.newegg.ca is going....

Save the more money and then maybe www.newegg.ca will be up and going.....