930c printer problem


VIP Member
my printer is driving me insane!

I have 160meg of ram, loaded new drivers for the 930c, try to print a .jpg file which prints about 10px width then returns the rest of the page blank.

i think it is to do with the memory, either in the comp, or the printer buffer, or the cable. memory is nearly 100% and into swap file when trying to print, quality is photo and ret.

does anybody else have any problems/solutions like this??
What's the OS you're using, there could be a driver conflict with something... And where did you get the drivers from, I've had some problems with bad drivers in the past...
160mb ram isn't all that much. Is this on an older pc? assuming it's not the one in the sig. If so, which os?

Also, it could be the heads of the printer being somewhat, clogged. Have you tried printer regular typed papers and such rather than just pictures to see if there was a difference?
What's the OS you're using, there could be a driver conflict with something... And where did you get the drivers from, I've had some problems with bad drivers in the past...
im using windows 2000, and i think its somehow due to the memory not being enough for the printer, because sometimes it will print fine, but other times it will print a line and then stop.

the drivers were straight from the internet.
160mb ram isn't all that much. Is this on an older pc? assuming it's not the one in the sig. If so, which os?

Also, it could be the heads of the printer being somewhat, clogged. Have you tried printer regular typed papers and such rather than just pictures to see if there was a difference?
yeh, do u think getting more ram is going to solve this? when a printer uses the extra memory in the swapfile, is there a bug which stops the information from going to the printer?

yeh this is on my old pc, 300Mhz, i would like to get it fixed using that pc, because my pc im using now goes where im going.
Well, I don't really see it as a ram issue, but it never hurts because the specs of that pc is quite unpleasant. A boost in that direction may help.

Additionally, have you tried checking if there is any firmware upgrade for your printer for win. 2000?