Adonis Linux *Beta Testers Needed*

I really like the new look to the site NyxCharon.

Yeah me too. Bobby has done a nice job.

I especially love the blue, it's my all time favourite thing I've ever seen and I am really glad he put it there. It goes with the rest of the website really nicely and doesn't burn your retinas out. :rolleyes:
yeah me too. Bobby has done a nice job.

I especially love the blue, it's my all time favourite thing i've ever seen and i am really glad he put it there. It goes with the rest of the website really nicely and doesn't burn your retinas out. :rolleyes:

kesava. Stop. Trolling.
Let me know when it's up and running for download and I'll get to using it :good:
It's been available for a couple days. Just go to and click downloads.

Thanks for the sudo article on my site. About to add another method i forgot about. If you look at the sudoers file, you'll notice that line about adding a user to the sudo group.
So if you do
adduser sudo *usernamehere*
at a root prompt, you can use sudo. Going to add how to disable it as well. But good post nonetheless, the screenshot was nice to have.

EDIT:Uploading the server image now.
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So just installed it. I have a separate 250 gig HDD for Linux OSes. So I just allocated 40 Gig to this to try it out, majority of the space is allocated Ubuntu 12.04. And I am thinking of switching to this as my primary OS. Liking it so far.Really fast. Had to do some work but loving it.
Will be doing a blog post about this. Will also offer my proper feedback later. :D
Here is a screenshot

Thanks, that's good to hear. Apparently a couple other people installed it to, as I have my first couple post on the forum, and bug filing. It's nice to have something to do again. :p
Let me know if you have any major issues.
So just installed it. I have a separate 250 gig HDD for Linux OSes. So I just allocated 40 Gig to this to try it out, majority of the space is allocated Ubuntu 12.04. And I am thinking of switching to this as my primary OS. Liking it so far.Really fast. Had to do some work but loving it.
Will be doing a blog post about this. Will also offer my proper feedback later. :D
Here is a screenshot

That's awesome. I'm guessing you installed it on your Desktop, since you are using a separate HDD?

You should consider joining the forum and giving a little review. Bobby will likely mod you.
That's awesome. I'm guessing you installed it on your Desktop, since you are using a separate HDD?

You should consider joining the forum and giving a little review. Bobby will likely mod you.

Yeah, that wouldn't be a issue.

OP Updated, Server edition has been released. :)
I think I'm going to have to install this on an extra HDD. It looks pretty epic. Just wondering, what browser is installed by default?
EDIT: Nvm, just saw that it's Chromium. You, sir, know your stuff. :p
I think I'm going to have to install this on an extra HDD. It looks pretty epic. Just wondering, what browser is installed by default?
EDIT: Nvm, just saw that it's Chromium. You, sir, know your stuff. :p

I try too. :p It seems to be the go to linux browser these days. I'm normally a firefox guy, but even I use chromium on linux. I'm pretty sure iceweasel/firefox is included too, just in case.
I try too. :p It seems to be the go to linux browser these days. I'm normally a firefox guy, but even I use chromium on linux. I'm pretty sure iceweasel/firefox is included too, just in case.

I use Chrome mainly for the extensions. I know Firefox has add-ons and whatnot, but I really like the simplistic way that Chrome extensions work. It doesn't look like crap. :) Chrome also just seems to work better for me in general. I haven't used Firefox in a while, so I'm sure it's pretty much just as good, but I just like to stick with Chrome, probably because I still somewhat feel grateful to Google for receiving a CR-48. :D That's actually when I started using Chrome, since, you know, I kinda had to.
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I do like the setup guide, because without it I would have once again never truly figured out how to partition the drive. I'm still a bit of a n00b with Linux.

Got it installed but haven't rebooted yet. Let's see how this goes.
I do like the setup guide, because without it I would have once again never truly figured out how to partition the drive. I'm still a bit of a n00b with Linux.

Got it installed but haven't rebooted yet. Let's see how this goes.

Yeah, i was hoping that would help. Everyone either loves or hates that installer :p
Yeah, cause with others like Linux Mint you just choose the drive and the partition size and it does the rest for you :p

I'm forking the current tools I'm using into my own, and yes, that is on the agenda of things to add :p

Also, IRC Channel has been set up!
#AdonisLinux on freenode