April 8,2014...farewell Windows XP...you have been with us for a long time...farewell


April 8,2014. is here...next week Microsoft is going to fully stop the support of the famous Windows XP operating system...it has been with us for a long time...

So let's celebrate the death of this great operating system which has been with us for the longest period of time in the computer world...almost 13 years!!!

Tell us about your experience with Windows XP through ALL THESE YEARS:

-what have you been doing on it when you were a good mood?

-what have you been doing on it when you were a bad mood?

-what have you been doing on it when you were happy?

-what have you been doing on it when you were sad?

-what have you been doing on it when you were bored?

-what have you learnt on it?

-what adventures have you had on it?

-how much music and movies have you listened/watched on it?

-how many nights did you stay awake using it?

-how did you deal with all the problems you had with it?

-how much fun did you have on it?

-how much did you love it/hate it?

-how many famous BSODs did you have on it?

-how many viruses did you have on it?

-how many problems did you have on it?

-will you continue to use it after April 8?

And a LOT more...you don't have to answer on all these questions above...they were just an example of what you could all share with us here about the famous Windows XP which the Microsoft company will fully stop to support next week. :)

Remember...13 LONG YEARS!!! :p

Of course...I will still continue to use it just fine after April 8...:rolleyes:
I never needed Microsoft's support anyway...

So...tell us...share with us all your adventures you had with it!

I learnt how to use a computer with it.
I got only 4 BSODs with it... yay
I quit it because of DX 11...
In fact, on 8 april my 8350 will arrive and you know what? I'm gonna build a secondary PC with E8400 and GT 430 and put XP on it... for fun... no dual boot... main OS of that PC :) I might even try DDR3 Ram and 650ti with XP :) :D
PS: Guess on what OS the highest speed of a 8350 was... http://hwbot.org/newsflash/2306_der...ord_during_pro_oc_cup___cpu_clocked_over_8ghz
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The only issue with this is people who still use it don't care about security updates. They're still going to continue using it for who knows how long.
MS dropping support for XP was just the motivation I needed to move our machines to Windows 7.
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It was a great operating system however I cannot say I am sad to see it go since I have not used XP since 2007 other then in a VM so I can play Sim City 2000. I have been working on some computer which have Windows XP and once you get used to 7+ XP just feels like a pain in the neck.

That does not change the fact it was a great OS and I believe last week I was reading something from Avast that showed 30% of Windows users are still on XP, my best wishes to XP.
I learnt how to use a computer with it.
I got only 4 BSODs with it... yay
I quit it because of DX 11...
In fact, on 8 april my 8350 will arrive and you know what? I'm gonna build a secondary PC with E8400 and GT 430 and put XP on it... for fun... no dual boot... main OS of that PC :) I might even try DDR3 Ram and 650ti with XP :) :D
PS: Guess on what OS the highest speed of a 8350 was... http://hwbot.org/newsflash/2306_der...ord_during_pro_oc_cup___cpu_clocked_over_8ghz

Awesome! :D

Its been a good ride.

And it still is. :p

The only issue with this is people who still use it don't care about security updates. They're still going to continue using it for who knows how long.

I am one of them...even though I AM using new Windows on my test computers in order to test programs I make to be sure that they will work properly on newest Windows OS.But my main OS on which I make those programs is still XP.

MS dropping support for XP was just the motivation I needed to move our machines to Windows 7.

This can be a painfull process for some companies who have a LOT of computers and a LOT of software which needs to be programatically upgraded by the programmers in order to make them work properly on newer Windows systems...
And the big cost is present here too...unfortunately...

It was a great operating system however I cannot say I am sad to see it go since I have not used XP since 2007 other then in a VM so I can play Sim City 2000. I have been working on some computer which have Windows XP and once you get used to 7+ XP just feels like a pain in the neck.

That does not change the fact it was a great OS and I believe last week I was reading something from Avast that showed 30% of Windows users are still on XP, my best wishes to XP.

Since 2007.?!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Wow...that's...a LONG time lol...
So that means you started to use Vista when it was new? (I mean...when it came out)...
The only issue with this is people who still use it don't care about security updates. They're still going to continue using it for who knows how long.

Agreed. I wonder if we'll be able to see a noticeable increase in malware and related fraud in the coming couple years as a result.
Xp is not going any where, It will be around for a long time...

It will slowly die. There will be some people that just won't upgrade. I would expect that only 10 percent of users will be running XP by the year 2016, currently 27 percent of users still use XP according to the lastest article I read yesterday. XP machines are getting older and most are OEM, which we all know will eventually die.
Xp is not going any where, It will be around for a long time...

Yea probably. :p

It will slowly die. There will be some people that just won't upgrade. I would expect that only 10 percent of users will be running XP by the year 2016, currently 27 percent of users still use XP according to the lastest article I read yesterday. XP machines are getting older and most are OEM, which we all know will eventually die.

Well yeah sooner or later XP WILL die completely.Just like everything else. :eek:
But hey...many many people are still using it so by the time XP dies completely,there will already be windows 12 lol. :D
Who knows...:p...

But anyway...


Maybe Microsoft will change their mind until tuesday. :D

On April 8. we ALL have to write something for XP!
It definetely deserved it since it does it's job so great even TODAY! :good:
Although the first computer I actually 'owned' (or 'had in my bedroom' rather) ran 98 SE, XP was the OS which I grew up on, since I didn't have that 98 SE machine for very long. I used it as my primary OS up until 2010 I think, so I was using it for a good 5 or 6 years daily I reckon.

Quickly had a play around with XP (and Office 2003) in a virtual machine this evening and whilst it all feels a bit old and clunky these days, I remember it all well. :)

Crazy to think that this OS came out in October 2001, just under a month after my 4th birthday, and now it is finally being discontinued when I'm just over 16 and a half. I think I worked out that there are now kids in my school who are younger than XP!

It was good, but the time has come to move on. :)
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STARS why do you even care if XP support ends? You don't run Windows Update anyway.
STARS why do you even care if XP support ends? You don't run Windows Update anyway.

Now THAT'S true lol.
But many people will stop using XP on April 8 since many of them think XP will stop working on that date lol.
I know it sounds funny,but it's true.I talked to some people and most of them approximately said:

"Well it won't work anymore so I need to buy new Windows..."

This may sound funny to most of you,but that's the sad truth we live in I guess. :p
Of course I am talking about people who do not know anything about computers and their biggest level of knowledge is going to facebook.
But unfortunately here where I live at least the number of those kind of people is gigantic...
So they will all pay someone to upgrade their OS just because they think XP won't work anymore lol.

What a sad irony xD!

Oh and here is a PERFECT example from my mom's friend from last week.
My mom was talking to her friend on the phone and she (the friend) was complaining that she cannot E-mail pictures to my mom using gmail account.So she said that she read that XP won't be supported by Microsoft anymore after April 8. and said that THAT was the reason why she can't send pictures to my mom.
So she said to my mom that she will pay someone to put her new Windows (and both of them do not know what Windows even is) and that she (my mom) should do the same.
After conversation ended,my mom came to me and said:

"Hey I found out why I can't receive images on my gmail account.A friend told me that this Windows I have now will not be supported anymore in April from it's company.So I need to pay someone to fix that so I can receive and send images."

As soon as she told me all this,I just wanted to kill myself. :cool:

I just told her that her friend is full of crap lol and that XP is not a problem.Of course before ALL THAT I had to explain her what Windows even is.(Don't ask...it was a long torturing explanation)...
After that she still did not believe me (no surprise there) and she believe to her friend instead.And her friend also do not know ANYTHING computer related...so come on...she still trusts her and not me...really?! :D

Anyway to make all this short,I realized that no matter what I say she will not believe me so I logged into her damn gmail account and sent pictures to my own gmail account and SHOWED HER that the pictures arrived just fine.I also did vice-versa (sent pictures to HER gmail account).
And of course both computers used XP OS.
And of course I told her that Microsoft's support ending will not result in XP to stop working or that she will not be able to send damn pictures.

Anyway...after she saw that it DOES work,she was surprised because she was convinced that it will not work...WHY??? Because her friend told her that???


And then she asked me:

"So why it doesn't work on my friend's computer??????"

And I just told her:

"Oh it works! :mad: It works just fine! :mad: She just doesn't know how to send damn pictures!!! :mad:"

Anyway...it was an interesting and funny day lol.

The problem is that SO MANY people confuse Microsoft's support with OS functionality...OS will not stop working if Microsoft doesn't support it anymore.
Unfortunately...many people confuse Microsoft support with OS functionality and most of them think OS will not work anymore after the support date Microsoft wrote on their damn web site.


So my mom and her friend is a perfect example of the majority of people who live here where I am.You just can't explain them anything no matter how much you try...
There is the U.S. where you guys live the situation is definetely better and there are not SO MANY uneducated people like there are here in Croatia.

Like DMGrier once said:

...who cares what people say if they are uneducated...

And I agree completely 100%.

Yeah I think after 12.5 years it's time to wave goodbye. ;)

I bet that in the future there will never be such good Windows OS as XP which will be with us for so many years. :p
Let's first wait until 13 years pass like with XP and THEN we can talk about it. :D:D:D

I don't know if it will last 13 years (that'll be 2022), but I think it will certainly still be a very popular OS over the coming years. It's taken off quite well in the business world - much better than Vista did and 8 has.