Battlefield 3 Thread

Iv seen the same thing from them too, i think its a marketing thing tbh, i mean not everyone has a 1080 monitor for a start (i dont) and not everyone is really going to be bothered that they occasionally dip below 60fps.

That said im sure it is amazing seeing no drops in fps with dual gtx 580 but hardly worth the £300-£400 price tag imo

Yeah but the point is most people who are right into gaming do play at 1080p. And at that resolution, 1 GTX580 wont cut it at ultra settings. Trust me.
Hmmm... I played through the entire campaign maxed with my single 6950. I never saw lag.

I have played this game on one of my 6950s completely maxed at 1080p and 4x AA and it is smooth as silk. With both my 6950s it runs at 60fps with v sync and never dips below that. These are also 1 GB cards.

Whoever said you need 2 gb cards and multiple expensive gpus to run this game is incorrect.
Hmmm... I played through the entire campaign maxed with my single 6950. I never saw lag.

Rubbish, a 6950 cannot run BF3 at 1920 x 1080 at max. Simply cannot. I mean full AA, max textures the whole lot. Not a selective 'max' setting. Try a full battle scenario on Caspian Borders in MP. You will fail. I am vindicated by the statement below:

I have played this game on one of my 6950s completely maxed at 1080p and 4x AA and it is smooth as silk. With both my 6950s it runs at 60fps with v sync and never dips below that. These are also 1 GB cards.

Whoever said you need 2 gb cards and multiple expensive gpus to run this game is incorrect.

Im sorry but 4xAA is not "completely" maxed out lol, plus if you are only getting 60FPS with 2 cards, your performance with one card will be (by definition) less than 30FPS, which is rubbish - in fact, unplayable. Not 'smooth as silk'.

Crank it up to proper max, including max AA and HBAO and you'll get pwned with that set up.

Remember that the Radeon boards take a lot of abuse with MSAA enabled, and the Ultra preset applies this feature automatically. As a result, I’d go so far as to say Ultra quality at enthusiast-oriented resolutions is out of the question for almost all single-GPU setups.

GeForce GTX 400- and 500-series cards look great, run well, and take a much smaller hit when you apply MSAA than AMD’s boards.
Source as above

Secondly, VRAM is pretty much maxed on a 1.5GB card with BF3 due to the hi res textures during Ultra play. If you plan on using anything higher than 1080p you will need more VRAM. Period.
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Maybe your definition of playable is different to ours, i mean yeh sure 60 fps consistent looks nice, but 30 is playable. I am more than happy to play at 30. I would prefer to play at 60 no doubt, but this isn't a cod game, you dont need blazing fps to stay on point, you just need consistency.

So if these guys say theyre maxing it out then im inclined to agree.

As for the AA settings when i had a look 4x was the most it went upto. How do you increase that?
Yeah fine, but he's playing at less than 30FPS due to no CF or SLI scaling being 100% and that is at only 4xAA which is low. 16AA is max and my nvidia control panel puts it up to 32AA. My point is, if you want to play at full 'ultra' 1 GPU is not enough. And less than (or equal to) 30FPS is rubbish for FPS games regardless of taste. On FPS games, less than 40FPS is really 'struggle street' and less than 30 is unplayable.

So in summary to suggest that 1 x 6950 will play at 1080p on max is bullshit.
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Theres one gtx 580 there playing at 1080 on ultra.

Doesn't say whether it's peak, average or lowest framerate. 1.5GB or 3GB card?

That suggests to me single card set ups can play it (albeit hi end ones)

Not to me.

Still my argument stands, i find 30 fps comfortable. And does higher than 4x aa depend on hradware because its not showing up on my settings options.

Your argument stands for no one but yourself. Personally, I want 60fps minimum. That's my argument. 4xAA is not maxed, either. That's a fact. Maxed indicates the most intensive settings, and nothing less. 4xMSAA is not maxed. 8xMSAA is.

Responses in bold. 1024MB/1280MB/1536MB is simply not enough, sometimes even 2GB is not enough for 1080p maxed out. I know this because the game crashes with a DirectX message with something about not enough VRAM, 0KB free, please ensure your GPU has at least 512mb etc, when I have textures on anything higher than medium with my 5770, which has 1GB of VRAM.

Riddle me this. If 1GB is enough, why are we seeing cards targeted at 1080p with more than 1GB VRAM?

The answer is that 1GB is not enough for modern games. It might be more than enough for a Source engine or COD game, but certainly not DX10/DX11 titles on maximum.

The point is that it's better to have too much than not enough.
Doesn't say whether it's peak, average or lowest framerate. 1.5GB or 3GB card?
guessing by most benchmarks i would believe its average. 1.5gb or 3gb doesnt matter the argument bigfella put forward is single card set ups cant handle the game.

Your argument stands for no one but yourself. Personally, I want 60fps minimum. That's my argument. 4xAA is not maxed, either. That's a fact. Maxed indicates the most intensive settings, and nothing less. 4xMSAA is not maxed. 8xMSAA is.

Having at 60fps minimum is your decision, but could you post a pic of this 8xmsaa, i cannot see it when i have been in the settings looking under ultra, nor custom. And by ultra i am refering to in gam eoptions not foced ones in CCC or nvidia control.

Responses in bold. 1024MB/1280MB/1536MB is simply not enough, sometimes even 2GB is not enough for 1080p maxed out. I know this because the game crashes with a DirectX message with something about not enough VRAM, 0KB free, please ensure your GPU has at least 512mb etc, when I have textures on anything higher than medium with my 5770, which has 1GB of VRAM.

i was on my telly with my comp last night, at 1080, put it to ultra (it was obviously completely unplayable) and i didnt get this message. But the argument remains regardless of wether the cards vram is 1.5gb or 3gb were on about single cards, not the specs of them cards.

Riddle me this. If 1GB is enough, why are we seeing cards targeted at 1080p with more than 1GB VRAM?

I could be wrong, i cant remember every post iv put in here, but i dont think i ever said 1gb was enough. Like i said i could be wrong but i dont think i am.

The answer is that 1GB is not enough for modern games. It might be more than enough for a Source engine or COD game, but certainly not DX10/DX11 titles on maximum.
My 1gb card is enough to max dead island, battlefield bad company 2, fear 3, and a host of other games that aren't source engined games or CoD games.

The point is that it's better to have too much than not enough.

I agree but not everyone has a money tree or lots of disposable income, i dont hence the reason im on an e6600 and have only now after almost a year been able to get a modern card.

again all tests have DX11 / Ultra mode 4xAA enabled / 16x AF enabled / HBAO enabled -- we'll everything is enabled:)

I guess guru couldn't find 8x msaa either :/
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Just to let everyone know, I currently have 5.5 gbs of ram along with my Radeon HD 6870, and I have every single setting maxed, everything is on Ultra, along with anti-aliasing deferred and HBAO. Working great, looks like I don't need a 6950 or 6970 after all.
I absolutely cannot stand Origin or the horrid web-based server browser. It literally takes me 15 minutes to successfully join a game, every single time. Either the game errors out when it first launches, thus making it stick on "joining server" indefinitely or it fails to connect to the login server or when I finally get through all of that I will get to the loading screen and it will freeze and crash.

Very, very pissed off because when I can actually get into a game I'm having a blast but trying to do so is an absolute nightmare.
Anyone here experience slow loading times when joining a server?

Takes forever here, no matter what server...and sometimes I just get a black screen and have to quit and restart BF3 and then it works fine....hopefully they will fix this soon.
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Just to let everyone know, I currently have 5.5 gbs of ram along with my Radeon HD 6870, and I have every single setting maxed, everything is on Ultra, along with anti-aliasing deferred and HBAO. Working great, looks like I don't need a 6950 or 6970 after all.

What resolution?

And how do you have 5.5GB of memory?


Operation Metro is the worst map I have every played on any game, it is so badly designed, it is just an RPG fest, and on conquest is even worse
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Operation Metro is the worst map I have every played on any game, it is so badly designed, it is just an RPG fest, and on conquest is even worse

Based on the videos I have seen of Operation Metro being played as a 64-player conquest map I'd have to agree. On the other hand I think it was an okay map when I played it as a 32-player rush map during the beta.

RPG spamming as a whole is extremely annoying, especially the moments when an enemy uses it in a CQC situation and I get killed but they somehow survive the blast.
Yeah RPG's are the worst in CQB. For taking out snipers at a medium-long distance they are alright though. Since they're generally prone, they don't have much hope of getting out of the way in time.
Loving the map Kharg Island on Conquest mode, Its allot of fun taking out jets with a Stinger. :D

Getting use to the controls better now aswell,I need to play more medic though and unlock those defibs.

Anyone know when we will see Wake Island appear?