Black Ops Is Dead.

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Bigfellla ( But making rediculous threads about it is stupid. Especially when the facts don't support your views ) if you look at the servers anytime of the day 99% are empty that is a fact you cannot get away from why because no one is playing the game.:D

Dude we know your view, now get some facts. pff So you're honestly saying 99% are empty? Really? You're a joke.
NOthing above supports the title of this thread. So you are suggesting the highest selling entertainment release (not just games, but movies and everything), is only becuase they sold it for i higher cost. LOL

No, I am not. I am saying everybody hears "highest selling <thing>" and you assume "wow, they have sold more of <thing> than anyone else".

Go and look up Halo 3 sales on the 360, then think back to just over a year ago when Activision stated MW2 is the best selling game ever on the Xbox. MW2 did NOT sell more units than Halo 3, but it grossed more, that is what Activision meant by the statement, and you have just agreed with me by mocking what I implied, which is what Activision implied back then, and what they (probably) are now with PS3 sales.

Oh, and I dug up my post saying exactly what has happened from just after BLOPs was released:
PS3 sales were based on units. Highest selling game of all time. Highest selling game of all time. I mean, what planet are you guys on? This is rediculous. I give up. You're seriously referencing yourself. YOu guys have an axe to grind, no evidence. PRetty weak.
PS3 sales were based on units. Highest selling game of all time. Highest selling game of all time. I mean, what planet are you guys on? This is rediculous. I give up. You're seriously referencing yourself. YOu guys have an axe to grind, no evidence. PRetty weak.

No, it isn't based on units. Activision have said it is the most sold, but haven't included any facts or figures to back up the statement. Your guess it is based on units is as good as my guess saying it is based on income, I am only saying it is based on income because Activision have pulled this before because saying something is the biggest and the best is good publicity

So far as evidence goes, Xfire, one of the most used socialising/game tracking software used by PC gamers, was no evidence?

If you want a decent figure for server population, ~18.3% of servers are populated at this time:

You have to work it out yourself, count the number of servers populated, divide it by the total servers, * 100, eh voila, 18.3% population

And my post to reference myself wasn't meant to be evidence, it was more of a "I told you so", not in the argument, but in the thread, that is why I put it as an extra at the end.


to see what I mean by they claim sales = money made:


And to see that they have no actual sales figures to back up the PS3 claim:

evidence enough now?
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bigfellla i think you only play on one server(maybe its your own)thats why you dont notice that the other servers are empty.:D
I thought i would give Blops another go as its just sitting on my desk, and omg its a pile of crap compared to BC2.

Everyone...and i mean EVERYONE just bunnyhopped....or jumped to the skill whatsoever.

And is it me...but you dont even have to Aim in black ops?...i hardly moved the damn mouse and got a headshot? lol whats with that.

I think COD has gone down downhill ever since COD:MW2...i would sell Blops if it was not tied to my damn steam account!
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No, I am not. I am saying everybody hears "highest selling <thing>" and you assume "wow, they have sold more of <thing> than anyone else".

...but haven't included any facts or figures to back up the statement.

...evidence enough now?

Released yesterday:

Biggest selling game (in units) ever, and I quote:

Activision have shifted 13.7 million units in the US alone, and has now overtaken Wii play as the biggest selling game ever.

And again here:

NPD Anylist Anita Frazer recently revealed that Black Ops hasn’t just performed well, it’s reigned supreme:

“Call of Duty: Black Ops was the best-selling game in February, retaining the top selling spot since launch in November. It has now become the best-selling game in history, topping Wii Play.”

It achieved this feat by selling an incredible 13.7 million units in the US alone.

And again here:

According to NPD figures, the title moved 4.9 million units on Xbox 360 and 3.1 million on PS3 during the month of November 2010, topped the charts again in December, and sold an additional 750,000 units in January 2011. The game has stayed on top of the NPD software charts since launch, making it not only the best selling-game of 2010, but as of February 2011, the best-selling game of all time.

Evidence enough for you?

So as you can see guys, even the US units sold make it the biggest selling game ever. Not dollars, units.

bigfellla i think you only play on one server(maybe its your own)thats why you dont notice that the other servers are empty.:D

Again, lets not let facts get in the way of a good story hey?

As of February 2, 2011, more than 27 million gamers have played Call of Duty games online, logging more than 2 billion hours, or the equivalent of more than 229,000 years of gameplay.

So getting back to the original point of this thread, is Black Ops dead? Certainly not.
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Since posting saying BLOPs was in 5th on Xfire, it is now in 8th and has been for the last few days. Also, on the links that you posted, look at the comments, then try to continue to say that those that like it are in the majority.

They sold most units, well done, Activision, they told the truth this time about what they actually meant by "best selling", but does best selling mean it is good? Of course not, just look at charts music, it just means a load of kids got their parents to buy it for them.

If you enjoy it, that is fine, but as I said, you are in a minority, and the comments and numbers playing shows that
Mate, you can just say you were wrong. If I were in the minority, how is it that it is the best sellig game in history? The game is uber successful on all measures. Time to concede. Your claims around taste, is something altogether differnt and subjective. And in terms of the comments, only people with an axe to grind generally comment, like reviews on hardware, hardly reputable. A bit like the point of this whole thread...
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Mate, you can just say you were wrong. If I were in the minority, how is it that it is the best sellig game in history? The game is uber successful on all measures. Time to concede. Your claims around taste, is something altogether differnt and subjective. And in terms of the comments, only people with an axe to grind generally comment, like reviews on hardware, hardly reputable. A bit like the point of this whole thread...

I speculated what was actually meant based on how the company acted in the past whilst there was no evidence for what they were saying, but now that they have some sort of figures, I was incorrect and it is based on units. Does that mean I change my mind because numbers = better? Of course not, anyone can buy something, but it takes the product to be good to enjoy it.

For how it is the best selling game, this sort of sums it up:

Dont think it is really an achievement for Treyarch. Think we all knew it would sell well. Slap “Call of Duty” on anything, and anyone could sell it!

As for the comments, what you are saying is "if your opinion is negative or different to mine it doesn't count for jack"?

I think the game is a joke, I think it is a remake of every other CoD game, I think that people bought it on the hope that it would be good as most of the previous games had been, but realised that the gameplay was stale, the maps were unoriginal, the sounds were appalling, the single player was just an interactive movie unless they played on veteran, and even then it wasn't much of a challenge, it was buggy, and overall, it was just the same old stuff as last time, but done worse.

You harp on about facts, and the facts about opinions are there, plain and simple, if everywhere you look the majority are saying it was bad, guess what that generally means - the majority think that it is bad. You can't just selectively pick what evidence you want to use, unless there is a good reason, and saying people only post negative things, clearly isn't true when you have people commenting on certain things saying this is the best ever or I can't wait for this


oh, and you might want to check out the user score on metacritic too, just like everything else on the net from the people that actually play the game, it backs up exactly what I am saying
bigfellla (So getting back to the original point of this thread, is Black Ops dead? Certainly not. ) your opinion which you are intitled to as it is in the minority,look at all the servers not just the one you play on.:D
Russb, you're a sh&t stirer ant that is fine- cant spell though.

Assati, i appreciate that you have your opinion and I think that 99% of your post are spot on. On this one, we will just have to agree to disagree.
I think this thread has run it's course. There is enough information here and evidence both for and against the initial argument, everyone seems to have had their opinions heard and discussed
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