CF Suggestion

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That'd be time consuming to implement, Ian has other more important priorities. Is it really that hard to look at the date of the last post before adding to it?
I don't really know! That might be too difficult for some people to fathom. :confused: :eek: !!! :p

(soorr wweee couldn't resist dat one.)
..There is nothing wrong with posting in old threads as long as you bring something valuable to the thread. Most of the time the thread is foolishly brought back and turns into a ridiculous argument as to whether or not the thread should have been brought back in the first place (which seems to be why that thread was closed).

The (not so random) threads at the bottom of the page are there to help Google spiders and Yahoo slurp spiders “index” more pages along with helping you find (not always, but most of the time) related threads...
I don't really know! That might be too difficult for some people to fathom. :confused: :eek: !!! :p

(soorr wweee couldn't resist dat one.)

Not really, I believe most people here at would be able to grasp the concept of time.
The posts are not random, take a look at the bottom of the page, the keyword suggestion is matched by from your title. I would imagine they are either sorted by age or relevance but it looks to me by age so I take it that your last post title didn't tie in with anything recent that had something in common with your last thread title.
Not really, I believe most people here at would be able to grasp the concept of time.

I should hope so! :D It helps to have people fresh and alert rather then falling out of the cha..cha...chhaaiiirrrrr..........:eek: ! boom...crash....thud...:confused:
Not really, I believe most people here at would be able to grasp the concept of time.

Have you looked at a lot of the members anytime recently?

-Also, I honestly can't say for sure on vB, but there is a similar mod for IPB, which to do the same thing(put a limit on how far back it searches for those links) it wouldn't actually be that hard or long to do.
That'd be time consuming to implement, Ian has other more important priorities. Is it really that hard to look at the date of the last post before adding to it?


you see, sometimes i think it's 2005. so i post in them posts. and sometimes i think its 2007. so i dont post because i think its old. and possibly my not-posting would cause the persons computer to blow up and cause a chain reaction and the whole world will blow up...
so yes, it would be too hard. :)
Hahaha, nice.

I have another suggestion:
at the bottom of the CF pages, it says "Copyright © 2002-2006 Computer Forum", and i was thinking maybe change the "forum" to a link also, so it would be "Copyright © 2002-2006 Computer Forum"
alright, this is getting ridiculous...

If you have any other suggestions, send them here or send a PM to ian.
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