Cheap Gaming Computer Builds


New Member
Okay so i have in my pocket at the moment £366 and managed to put together a little bundle of computer components to build a gaming computer.
If you could please help me by telling me if this computer is going to be no good because i will be wanting to run World of Warcraft on high spec with no lag,problems or freezing but also want it to run other high spec games.
Here are the parts and were i got them from also with the prices:

Gladiator X3 450 Pre-Built Overclocked Bundle £189.99
AMD Athlon™ II X3 450 Overclocked @ 3.80GHz, MSI 880GMA-E45 Micro-ATX Motherboard w/ SATA 3 & USB 3.0, 4GB of Mushkin Silverline RAM, and an OCZ Gladiator CPU Cooler.

XFX ATI Radeon HD 5450 1024MB DDR2 PCI-Express Graphics Card £39.94

500gb harddrive £29.49- WD Caviar Blue 500 GB Internal hard drive - 300 MBps - 7200 rpm

Operating System £70- Windows 7

Power Supply £23.49 -Alpha Power 750W Power Supply Unit ATX - Overload protection :150% Sata Connector

Optical Drive £14 - sony DVD rw 24

Please tell me if all of this will run together if not il find other items.

If somebody could please help me by putting together a computer with better specifications than this while staying in my budget range of £250-£400 but preferably around the £300 mark please suggest something else for me. I am also willing to upgrade the computer so any parts that can be improved will be sold on and i will buy better.
Hello again :)
To be quite honest, I couldn't find anything better than that for a lower price.
Ebuyer has a couple quad core bundles for a little less. But it also has 2GB ram instead of 4GB.
But you could easily buy another stick.
Is the one in this thread the one i should buy?


The computer we had put together yesterday was too pricy for me and would take some time to get my money together seeing as im a college student. Is the computer in this thread more suitable for me than the one we talked about last night?
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For that much, yeah I'd do it.
That motherboard will Auto-overclock for you and unlock that hidden core in that tri-core.
You can always upgrade the ram or video card no problem. I'm only concerned with that power supply
as I've never heard of that brand. The parts are great though

Edit: For the money, yes. Like I said previously; you can sell your current parts and upgrade to better parts no problem.
For that much, yeah I'd do it.
That motherboard will Auto-overclock for you and unlock that hidden core in that tri-core.
You can always upgrade the ram or video card no problem. I'm only concerned with that power supply
as I've never heard of that brand. The parts are great though

Will i be able to run World of Warcraft on high setting with no problem and the parts will run together? The site is a decent uk site, my uncle recommended it and buys alot of his parts from there. I went to my uncles house and he said that i have gone over my budget with the last computer so i went away and tryed to find myself some awesome parts at low cost without them being too shi**y....

Because im from the UK, online buying will be more expensive and we will have a 20% VAT rate but also with the new Sandy Bridge coming out on the 5th the prices may lower on some products . Am i right?
Will i be able to run World of Warcraft on high setting with no problem and the parts will run together? The site is a decent uk site, my uncle recommended it and buys alot of his parts from there. I went to my uncles house and he said that i have gone over my budget with the last computer so i went away and tryed to find myself some awesome parts at low cost without them being too shi**y....

Because im from the UK, online buying will be more expensive and we will have a 20% VAT rate but also with the new Sandy Bridge coming out on the 5th the prices may lower on some products . Am i right?

More than likely. It doesn't take much to run WoW.
Sandy Bridge will only effect Intel based processors. And it really isn't that great, IMO.
Is the one in this thread the one i should buy?

Your build is unbalanced, the GPU isn't a very good gaming card and the PSU is terrible. A much higher quality/performance build for less:
AMD Athlon II X2 250 - £45
Asus M4A78LT-M - £45
2 x 2GB DDR3 1600MHz Corsair - £40
EVGA GTS450 OC - £90
Windows 7 - £70
NZXT Beta Evo - £35
SpinPoint F3 1TB
AC F7 Pro R2 - £15
SilverStone Strider 400W - £35
Approx Total after VAT @17.5%, before shipping: £390.
If you want to keep it under budget, switch out the GPU to this , you'll still see a huge improvement in Framerates over the HD 5450 you picked, and it brings the build total down to 360.
Your build is unbalanced, the GPU isn't a very good gaming card and the PSU is terrible. A much higher quality/performance build for less:
AMD Athlon II X2 250 - £45
Asus M4A78LT-M - £45
2 x 2GB DDR3 1600MHz Corsair - £40
EVGA GTS450 OC - £90
Windows 7 - £70
NZXT Beta Evo - £35
SpinPoint F3 1TB
AC F7 Pro R2 - £15
SilverStone Strider 400W - £35
Approx Total after VAT @17.5%, before shipping: £390.
If you want to keep it under budget, switch out the GPU to this , you'll still see a huge improvement in Framerates over the HD 5450 you picked, and it brings the build total down to 360.

Does this site charge high delivery rates and thanks man il take a look at this right now.
Oh and thanks i shall show both of these builds to my uncle and we shall compare them as he is the one that knows more about computers than me ATM.
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Thank you sir for chiming in. I think he should stick with Athlon II x3 due to
the unlockable core and overclock.
However, I do agree with the Samsung HDD, PSU, and video card.

As I'm not from the UK, I'm not sure where to shop for parts :p

Auto-overclocks tend to be terrible, often over-applying voltage and getting the memory timings all wrong. UCC is very hit 'n' miss i'm afraid, some CPUs will, some won't.
You think he should stick with the HD5450 too? :rolleyes:
Manual overclocking isn't that hard at all really. He could probably go up to 3.5 on the X2 250 on stock volts, no need to fiddle with anything but the HT, move it up a notch. The F7 is a good cooler.

EDIT: Saw your post: They do charge delivery which is always a bummer, but it shouldn't be more than about £10.
overall price would be at £439 with the delivery charge included.

Edit:With the cheaper GPU prices will come to £408 still :eek:
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overall price would be at £439 with the delivery charge included.

Edit:With the cheaper GPU prices will come to £408 still :eek:

That seems unusually high shipping... :confused:
You could save £10 on the HDD by getting a 500GB WD Caviar Blue, and another 10 on the case by getting this, same chassis as the awesome Casecomm 6788 which unfortunately isn't in production anymore :(
I can't really think of anything else without too much of a compromise for Graphics power. :/
That motherboard will Auto-overclock for you and unlock that hidden core in that tri-core.
Don't plan on it.
There's no sure unlock on any cpu. It's hit and miss. It may, it may not. That's why it's best to buy the amount of cores you need,,then,,if it unlocks, it's like a bonus.
That seems unusually high shipping... :confused:
You could save £10 on the HDD by getting a 500GB WD Caviar Blue, and another 10 on the case by getting this, same chassis as the awesome Casecomm 6788 which unfortunately isn't in production anymore :(
I can't really think of anything else without too much of a compromise for Graphics power. :/

Anyhow paying £408 total is a good price for a gaming computer such as this one? If its worth it then il pay the price no problem :)
Anyhow paying £408 total is a good price for a gaming computer such as this one? If its worth it then il pay the price no problem :)

It's worth it defo, the one you build will be much higher quality and performance than a similarly priced OEM one, plus you get warranties with each part so no paying extra for that, you'll have a better understanding of how computers work which will enable you to solve hardware problems easier.

There is no Sandy Bridge processors that would fit neatly into a £400 gaming PC AFAIK.
It's worth it defo, the one you build will be much higher quality and performance than a similarly priced OEM one, plus you get warranties with each part so no paying extra for that, you'll have a better understanding of how computers work which will enable you to solve hardware problems easier.

There is no Sandy Bridge processors that would fit neatly into a £400 gaming PC AFAIK.

Hope it all works out good for me man. Im sick of playing my games on laggy pc's lol.