Comcast Nabs me.. Agian...

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You can always switch ISPs!!!

Let me guess here.
The offender here has Comcast cable internet. In most cities, there's only one cable company that offers highspeed internet service. Many people get cable internet because they're too far from a DSL switch. So if he can't get DSL, and cable cuts him off, he'll be relegated to...

DIALUP! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Try downloading torrents with dialup. Go ahead, try. :D
Just to let you know as a comcast employee you are screwed becuase on the 2nd time you are reported to the fcc so enjoy that when the fbi shows up on your front door believe me its happened we do it all the time! You must be a total noob to even think if you were caught once we woudlnt monitor you for at least hmm oh i dont know 2 years time per our policy!!! All that for a crappy quality dvd you can literally walk right into target and buy on their $5 shelf right now what a moron... Grow up man you and your parents are both liable now i hope he gets you good and personally if you were my son your computer would be gone and never to return and my comptuer would have a lockdown where you coudlnt get on it hope you get that from him!

a) alright, thank you for freaking the living shit outta me

b) your not my dad.
just to let you know dmw i'm not kidding they will report it and it will come back to bite you. be glad i'm not your dad or your pc would be sold for parts right about now you relize your rents are liable for up to a $5000 fine for each dvd or song on your pc and the fbi has software that can go back several layers and nukes on a hdd...
just to let you know dmw i'm not kidding they will report it and it will come back to bite you. be glad i'm not your dad or your pc would be sold for parts right about now you relize your rents are liable for up to a $5000 fine for each dvd or song on your pc and the fbi has software that can go back several layers and nukes on a hdd...

I understand your not kidding. Thanks for the information, its helping me alot. And my PC is already gone, my dad took it. All i have is my laptop that i just bought.
So if he can't get DSL, and cable cuts him off, he'll be relegated to...

DIALUP! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Try downloading torrents with dialup. Go ahead, try. :D

don't worry men i tried
max speed is 7kbps in my country , yes its very
no i mean EXTREMELY
How can some ppl that I have seen get on sharing programs and download over 1500 songs from them and never hear a word?

they use a mac, seriously, ever call any ISP for support on macintosh and its like asking them quantum physics or how to figure out time travel, or have them describe how a woman's brain works. Seriously ISP tech support don't know anything about macintosh or OS X. When I have to call for a PPPoE password for a client who forgot what theirs was when setting up networks, most people just flat out say we don't support macs, and then ask me a bunch of retarded questions when all i need is a password reset.

So, just get a mac because ISP tech support will have no idea what you are doing with it:rolleyes:
Well, some internet providers just don't care...

Around where I live, Mediacom is pretty much the only way to go for cable internet, and I have it and a know lots of other people that have it that download all kinds of music and movies and what not, and I've never heard a whisper of Mediacom cracking down at all.
they use a mac, seriously, ever call any ISP for support on macintosh and its like asking them quantum physics or how to figure out time travel, or have them describe how a woman's brain works. Seriously ISP tech support don't know anything about macintosh or OS X. When I have to call for a PPPoE password for a client who forgot what theirs was when setting up networks, most people just flat out say we don't support macs, and then ask me a bunch of retarded questions when all i need is a password reset.

So, just get a mac because ISP tech support will have no idea what you are doing with it:rolleyes:

Been there and done that;)
Been there and done that;)

sounds like microsoft when i call to activate windows
. I have to punch in a 42 digit number only to hear the recording tell me it can't be recognized then the tech dude only needs the first 6 digits and then i have to listen to him in his best arabian accent read off 42 digits back to me 3 at a time its ridiculous.
I personally hate comcast because of their price gouging, but they are not in my area where I live, they are only in the area where I work.

AT&T has the worst tech support line I have ever come across. Last week I was setting up a wireless network for a doctor's office, which has to be ultra secure because of HIPPA and many other legal factors. They used PPPoE on their business class broadband line. So I had to call their tech support for a password, and all it was is that automated computer that asks you to say options. No matter what I said it always looped me into the same final response, type in your phone number so we can call you back. Well, I charge by the hour so waiting around for a phone call back is asinine, and on top of that if you are paying the premium of business class broadband you should receive business class support. Luckily one of the ladies who works the reception desk knew all the passwords and I could just hang up. I told them they should switch providers because that is just unacceptable, especially for a business.

And no, you can upload all you want, the answer has already been stated how to mask what you are doing, use google its your friend.
sounds like microsoft when i call to activate windows
. I have to punch in a 42 digit number only to hear the recording tell me it can't be recognized then the tech dude only needs the first 6 digits and then i have to listen to him in his best arabian accent read off 42 digits back to me 3 at a time its ridiculous.

Dude, when it asks for the number, just hit random buttons, and keep on hitting them until it forwards you to a representative. That's what I do, much faster.
Well, I hafta brag here, only because youre all saying how little high speed internet service there is in your areas. I have a fiber optic line (Verizon FIOS). I also have the option of using comcast, optimum online, AND DSL... =D - I'm pretty sure there are some others in my area, but those are the top
Haha, i didnt upload the torrent. I got it from demoniod, which i thought was privet type thing, with encypted torrents. Apperently its not and this was an external torrent upload or something like that.

Downloading from a public tracker isn't a private download...especially if it's from such a popular site as Pirate Bay. Did you look at the the infringing url?

Infringing URL:
I find it ironic that this thread is allowed to continue but a week ago I asked a simple question about how to install a DVD burning program that I downloaded using p2p and the thread disappeared like yesterday's news in the book 1984.
Stop downloading films illegally is all i can say.

and im not happy about the methods discussed to bypass detection
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