Computer Tips Of The Day


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd make a thread where you can show off that brilliant tip that's too small to make a thread about. We all get these sometimes:)
Mine is the sfc /scannow command. Type it into the Start Menu and press enter. It will scan your Windows installation for missing or corrupted system files and replace them, saving you a reinstall and fixing issues after a bad virus. In WinXP, insert a WinXP CD with the same version of your installation and open Run and type the command.

-The Lucas
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You hit shift then delete when you have an email that you want to dump right out of the machine. It doesn’t go to deleted items, it’s permanently deleted. So if you have something you don’t want to send to deleted items and later delete, you hit shift and del, it will dump right out of your machine, straight into the garbage.
To cancel that prompt when you delete something in Windows, right-click on the Recycle Bin, and then uncheck "Display delete confirmation dialog". So, when you press delete, the file goes immediately to the Recycle Bin, with no prompt. On flash drives, since they contain no Recycle Bin, the file will be permanently deleted, so be careful. It will display a prompt when you permanently delete something as described above, though.
I am sure this is a well known thing on a computer forum, but I have met so many computer illiterate and computer literate people that still do not know, that if you double click the bar at the top of the window it maximises it, or minimises if it is already maximised, which sounds like a little thing, but is so much easier that using the actual button
I love that trick. In Win7, you can also drag the window to the top of the screen to maximize it. You can also drag to the sides of the screen. You must have Aero enabled, though. It's called Aero Snap.
For aero snap you can also use the windows key and a direction. That will automatically snap the open window in whatever direction you pressed.
I love that trick. In Win7, you can also drag the window to the top of the screen to maximize it. You can also drag to the sides of the screen. You must have Aero enabled, though. It's called Aero Snap.

aero doesn't need to be enabled. my sister's computer doesn't have it enabled but she can still use the snap features.

For aero snap you can also use the windows key and a direction. That will automatically snap the open window in whatever direction you pressed.

holy shit! awesome.
For aero snap you can also use the windows key and a direction. That will automatically snap the open window in whatever direction you pressed.

This thread is actually taking off!

If a computer isn't showing up in Windows Network Places, and you know it's connected and on, you can type it's name into the Windows Explorer address bar like this: \\computername\
You can find out the name by pressing WinKey+Pause and going to the Computer Name tab, and you'll find it under Full Computer Name.
In Win7, just press WinKey+Pause and look in the network section.

Also, WinKey+Pause qualifies as a tip as it will open the System Information window so you can see all the computer's specs.
Here is a set of tips for opening things in the Superbar with your keyboard:

Windows logo key +number
Start the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the program is already running, switch to that program.
Shift+Windows logo key +number
Start a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Ctrl+Windows logo key +number
Switch to the last active window of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Alt+Windows logo key +number
Open the Jump List for the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
What about Alt+F4 or Ctrl+W ~ Closes current window.

Then WinKey+P Switches between display modes.

WinKey+Tab ~ Areo 3-D
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What about Alt+F4 or Ctrl+W ~ Closes current window.

Then WinKey+P Switches between display modes.

WinKey+Tab ~ Areo 3-D

It's called Win Flip 3D.

Also, in application that allow multiple sessions, ctrl+f4 closes the current session or window.
To see a definition of a word without having to call up an online dictionary, type into google Define: x (x being the word)
e.g. Define: Ninja
a member of the ninja who were trained in martial arts and hired for espionage or sabotage or assassinations; a person skilled in ninjutsu

Hitting I'm feeling lucky makes this run quicker still :p
You hit shift then delete when you have an email that you want to dump right out of the machine. It doesn’t go to deleted items, it’s permanently deleted. So if you have something you don’t want to send to deleted items and later delete, you hit shift and del, it will dump right out of your machine, straight into the garbage.

Wow i didnt knew this, thank you for this useful tip, now i dont need always to delete it twice =)