Crysis Warhead - Video Review

Thanks dude, that was the thread i remember I'm fine then. And you are too, most definitely :)(still do not know where you get all that money from....:p)

iWork. :D

Since my school is online and I'm almost done with HS, I don't have much to do, so I work and do some freelance PC repair.
My bad that must be the date for download on steam.
Unless steam never changed the date.
iWork. :D

Since my school is online and I'm almost done with HS, I don't have much to do, so I work and do some freelance PC repair.

alright then

Anyways, on which is a torrent site, SPORE was released the day before the actual release date.

I don't download that illegal stuff, it's bad, but they have the best linux distro's on there.

Crysis warhead might...nvm.
I'm really looking forward to Crysis Warhead, seeing how systems that are around $600 can play it at great settings, this should be interesting.

While on the topic of new games, I'm going to check out Warhammer, since it comes out around Warhead.
Oh, the COD4 version wouldn't load, so I had to change its boot properties to make it load, and when the 1.6 patch came out, it came out for the disc version, but not the Digitally Distributed version, and I had to go into the properties, and change it from DD copy, to Non DD, then update, then change it back to DD.

And I bought and downloaded Frontlines through Steam when it first came out, and the Steam version couldn't play above medium graphics, for some reason, and the disc version could, so I uninstalled it, rented it for the Xbox 360, and a few days ago I reinstalled it, and now it's fixed, so.

Will this happen again?

I don't know.
Well, in that case, I think I'll buy the disk then. I've heard about those issues w/ the DD distros of COD4.
bah... its not in the shops here yet :( on gamespy it said 16 sept is the release date (same as star wars force unleashed, whoooohooo ^.^ ) but none of these 2 games are here yet.. I gues thatll take a few more dats then. grr :eek:
T_T soo predictable that europe is the last to get new games


I cant remember when it was, or what game it was, or what system the game was for, or anything else for that matter, but one time a game I was foaming at the mouth for came out in europe TWO (2) WEEKS before NA. so this is payback for that.