CS:S Match Tonight (Join Now)

What day(s) are you available?

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[-0MEGA-];445181 said:
Im working then, so I can't...

O ok, well friday night i am going to an airsofting match, so I cant then either. What time do you have to go to work saturday PST?
O ok, well friday night i am going to an airsofting match, so I cant then either. What time do you have to go to work saturday PST?

I'm really busy until Monday.

In PST... i'm working the following hours:

Thursday: 2PM-7PM
Friday: 2PM-8PM
Saturday: 2PM-7PM (I think)
Sunday: 8AM-6PM
Hmm..., I'll have to sharpen my skills up, and get HL2 reinstalled. But I may hop in when you guys decide on a time, and don't forget to specify what time zone :).
cs:s match

alright well its 2pm by me (central) iam going to create a level.....get the IP and post it here than you can come in and out and we can discuss here or there we want a match later ......... around 9 or 10pm or later today

i have somethign goin on around 7
You didn't feel this should be posted in the major "CS:S Match Tonight" thread?

Anyways, I may be up for it, but since i'm eastern and have school tomorrow, I won't be able to play that late.
[-0MEGA-];463466 said:
I'm up for a game right now, but seeing as how were across the world, the pings may be a bit high.

doesnt matter,.. i cant aim,.. with or withour low ping :D
name an IP and ill go connect for CS:s ^^
ok my name is 1337_D3R3K
but i play under Derek the [-H4XOR-]
something liek that
(thanks to archangel for the name and tag)

i cant find the IP so....do u just type my name in and find me ?

EDIT::: fair enough
and that wasnt my thread...so i wouldnt want to advertise in there thread
you really cant find the IP? i cant search for names... or i dont know how

nvm... got it.. i dont see you online atm tough
( my accountname is _ew_archangel_ yea... very original.. :( )
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