Does anyone here actually use up 100+gb?


New Member
If so, what are you storing? I don't think I've ever gone near 100 before. Is it just to make it future proof or something?

Why would someone need TBs or storage:confused: Apart working for company or something?
I've used over 100GB before. Mostly music, movies and ISO images (Windows and Linux OSes, Software and Games). I like to have a digital copy of just about everything, just in case. Most of my movie (avi) files are around 1.5 GB, and the ISO images are usually a little more than 600MB... and I have over 30GB of music stored right now (mp3), and that's not even close to the amount I've had in the past. So, yeah, I can see how someone would want a TB of storage.
Lol, that's true. I didn't consider so much media. I usually just put it on my external HDD once it's been used/put on iPod
I'm only using like 120gb's right now, but if I actually still played games like I used to I'd have well over 500gb's downloaded.
I already have 124gb used on my system and I have only had it for a few months. I suppose games take up a lot if room...
i almost reach 100gb on my laptop. im going to build a pc with at least 1tb for movies games and music.

hey i have used up 400gb out of my 2TB
it convenient having all of your software and os files in slave drives..
I feel kinda the same way about 1TB or more drives, just seems like an excuse to never clean out old files or stuff that you hardly use or never use anymore. I would rather have just a small buffer room between the drive size and how much I have used at the peak. I have a good amount of music, about 10gb or so, but I know many people have a ton more then that due to more songs period but also because of higher bit rates. I give all my songs a quality 128kbit rip and I only keep songs that I really like. That keeps my songs around 3-4 mb each. I know others that prefer much higher bit rates or even uncompressed files that can take upwards of 40mb each. In their case you can have just a few thousand songs and your already at 100gb. People that keeps as much music as possible and at higher bit rates can be looking at a few hundred gb. I prefer to be able to backup my files to dvd and that just wouldnt be fun with 100gb of music lol.

Course I've also had about 30 large games installed on my computer since I bought my current hard drive but I have uninstalled and sold 95% of the games that I dont care to play over and over again and or will have a crippled resale value for one reason or another.
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Yeah i'm definitely using way over 100gb. The majority of it is just software and games that I have installed. I also have a ton of music and movies. Total i have a little under 400gb.
I've been using a new 500GB drive in my laptop for less than 2 months, and on the 400GB storage partition, I've used 101GB... thats just music, films and tv...

All my programs are in the smaller partitions for the OS's (win 7 and ubuntu.) At the moment, they are nearly full, so I'll have to start using the storage partition for some software too soon :/

My dad has far more music and film etc than me, and backs it all up... he uses almost 3TB... and he has a 6TB NAS drive, which he expects to fill soon...
My Flight Simulator X Deluxe Edition takes up 13.4 gigabytes of data on my hard drive. I only have a 232 gigabyte hard drive. It's more than enough space for me. I am only using around 80 gigabytes of the space between my Windows and Linux Ubuntu. My Windows Vista System Restore takes around 20 gigabytes. My music only totals 1.7 gigabytes.