Dragon Age Origins Or Fallout 3?


Which game is more worth playing?

I am not very "well rounded" in RPG gaming. I've only played a few, World of Warcraft, Oblivion and thats about it.

I got into WoW for a while and never really got into Oblivion. But i kind of liked doing quests and the atmosphere and all around tone of WoW.

I've notice both these RPG games have high ratings but im sort of torn on which one i think i'd like better. I downloaded the Demo Character maker of Dragon Age but that doesnt really give you any insight.

I really want a game that will make me feel that "Cant wait to get off work and play this game" i always usually have an hour or 2 after work of time to kill so it would be cool trying out 1 of the 2 games (or otheres you can recommend)

Thanks in advance for the advice


VIP Member
I have only played fallout 3, but i have heard very good things about dragon age origins. how about you get both? :)


New Member
If you didn't like Oblivion you might not like Fallout 3 (made by the same company with the same engine)
I have never played Dragon Age but I love Fallout 3, it's a great game :)


Well-Known Member
I've played both games, still am, and I rather enjoy them both.

Fallout three and Oblivion are made by thew some company so a lot of the same aspects apply to both games.

Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins are made by the same company, Bioware, so they show similar aspects as well.

Where as Fallout 3 is based more on Post-Apocalyptic End of the world themes with limited this and mutated that, Dragon Age is very Medieval-based. Swords, Mages, DRAGONS, Ogres, and the likes. You can pick from Human, Elf, and Dwarven species. Depending on the thing you choose you start out with one of one of six "origins". You can hop back and fourth between party members and fight with them, not just your main character. There is also a relationship bar that you can work on making really well with your party members, or horrible; they were talk to you different depending on where it lies.

End of the day myself and several of my co-workers (I work at EB Games/Gamestop) all enjoy the game. The one is already up into sixty plus hours of gameplay and still hasn't gotten the trophy/achievement for 75% of side quests done, and he's done TONS. So the game is chock full of things that you can do as well.

Keep in mind:
Dragon age runs best on PC (if your PC can handle it), then PS3, and the worst on 360.


Thanks for the help guys,

Hyper do you think my system should be able to play Dragon Age Origins?

i think i watched a video on Youtube with a guy playing the game with the same Video card i have and it was running smoothly from what i saw. I think he had an AMD X2 4000 series too.


New Member
I think Dragon Age Origins is a better RPG, Fallout 3 was fun. I think as stand alone games Dragon Age has more, with DLC probably Fallout 3. DLC will be coming for Dragon Age, in fact I think some are available already. Both are worth getting though.