Half Life 2: Deathmatch


Active Member
im downloading it now from steam.

is it any good?
like do you guys like it? it is the multiplayer one right?

also what are everyones steam usernames? i have 2 friends. haha

thanks :)


New Member
Man if my college had the ports opened up for Steam I would still be playing that game. Loved it during the summer (probably will reinstall once May rolls around). One of the most fun games I've played, and didn't even like it at first.


Active Member
hahhhaaa thats good to hear. its about 90% done.

man i love steam. my max download speed is 1.5megabit. or 160kb/s.

but sometimes i can get 400kb/s when downloading from steam. its so awesome. although my isp probably doesnt like it much ahhahah


VIP Member
i love half life 2 deatmatch!

my steam username is jnskyliner34.

lucky you, my steam downloads average 10-15 kbp/s and maxes sometimes at 25kbp/s. why is that? everything else, i download at over 60 kbp/s.


i download most things off steam at 600 kps a sec. What would the make my internet Speed? like 2mbs or what?


Active Member
i just played it for ages.. its hard hahhahahahhaa.

i get pwnt.

like ill come 4th or something against 15 people. but yeah hahahahhahsaa/.

i hate the weapons.. are they all standard on servers? like the one that picks up stuff and launches it. hate it so much hahahhaahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaa

is that on all servers? :(


VIP Member
i just played it for ages.. its hard hahhahahahhaa.

i get pwnt.

like ill come 4th or something against 15 people. but yeah hahahahhahsaa/.

i hate the weapons.. are they all standard on servers? like the one that picks up stuff and launches it. hate it so much hahahhaahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaa

is that on all servers? :(

yup. i know everyone starts with the gravity gun, pistol, and smg. and the stick thing when you spawn as a combine.


Active Member
the cfcod4 clan is thinking of starting a 10slot half life 2 server for members of this website to use and for members of the [cf]clan if anyone is interested post here or join the clan website and post there


New Member
My favorite weapon was the crossbow. Magnum was good too, oh and that one weapon that you can shoot a metal orb that vaporizes you on contact...good memories.


New Member
I'm thinking of giving that game a try is it fun?
My steam name is <F.U.C> Zypher.
You play team fortress 2 at all?


Active Member
yeah a CF server would be awesome. but i seriously suck hahah.
at any other games i can usually so pretty good. but not this. its too crazy. i never get a chance to rest.. and get a weapon i like.. and stuff. im instantly fighting for my life haha. maybe if i was playing one on one i might do alright. but the gravity gun is the most riduculous this i have ever seen hahahaa. i hate it :D


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
Haven't played it in forever. It died after I beat HL2 SP. I'm replaying the SP part again until I get chapters one and two.

I liked that level that was a larger scale of the "basement level" (I don't remember the name) and it had more passages and traps and whatnot.


I'm thinking of giving that game a try is it fun?
My steam name is <F.U.C> Zypher.
You play team fortress 2 at all?

I played tf2 2 much. I play lots of classes. Just to give you an idear of how much i play. COUGH 50 hours of engie COUGH .