Help me build a new $800 PC


I wish I knew more about building PCs and I'm slowly learning the process. I'd like everyone's individual input on different builds for $800 minus a Windows 7 Purchase.

The things I need my PC for are...NOT PC gaming. Or at least not directly gaming on the PC. I use my PC mostly for broadcasting CONSOLE Gaming into /

For CPU...It's a highly CPU intensive process [especially with the more resolution you wish to imbue into your feed] and having a good quad or even a -drool- hexa core would be essential. Something I can OC to get even more bang for your buck. But CPU is my most important spec I I wouldn't want it to be skimped.

For a MOBO...I'd like something that could support future things on it ideally without having to buy a new one. Something that will support growth and better specs later on if necessary. I'm hoping it has it's own video card thing and sound system built in since those two things I will not really need to be amazing.

Video card...I probably won't really need a good one...if the mother board comes with some sort of graphics installment that does meh graphics I'll be ok with it since I really do zero PC gaming. If I do PC may be games from like 1999...I'm hoping anything that may be built into a mobo would be good enough.

I'd love at least 1 TB of hard drive space since I create tons of videos for Youtube and like to keep a spare copy of them after it's uploaded.

Sound...if the mobo comes with anything decent to listen to things...I don't mind. I'm not looking to create music or whatever so anything super fine tuned isn't necessary. What I'm mostly looking for is to get a great PC with just 800.

RAM...6-8 would be nice. Your thoughts?

Don't need a monitor since I will be using the one I'm using to type this. Same with mouse and keyboard.

Power Supply...I'm hoping I don't need to buy a new one if the CPU comes with something decent enough to power the PC.

Cooling...I plan to overclock my CPU since I need lots of it and know it will heat up faster...I probably need good cooling. Have at it.

I also must have a USB 3.0 slot to have my capture card [Black Magic Intensity Shuttle] be compatible.

If I can get the opinions and builds of a lot of different people coupled with why you chose that particular item with links to it from a website that won't charge CA sales tax and or any shipping costs with large orders [gots to save that cash!] would be great. Help me learn here since I'm brand new at creating PCs.
Thanks for the reply, man. Everythings looking good...although I think you forgot to add the RAM into the equation.

I totally forgot I needed a DVD Drive to read discs herpderp. Could you pop that in there too? I could be missing more things....what's your take on it?
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Thanks for the feedback. If I want 8 GIGs of RAM...would I just purchase two of the same RAM you listed above?

Also, I can't buy from Newegg...I'd have to find and purchase them all from TigerDirect since they don't charge CA sales tax and squeeze the most out of the cash I have.

Thanks for the feedback. If I want 8 GIGs of RAM...would I just purchase two of the same RAM you listed above?

Also, I can't buy from Newegg...I'd have to find and purchase them all from TigerDirect since they don't charge CA sales tax and squeeze the most out of the cash I have.


RAM - get 2 x 4GB instead of 4 x 2GB, and thus you can upgrade in future.

Mobo - Don't get 31!m!n80r suggested. That don't have onboard video card. You will need to purchase video card seperate. Since you don't use it for gaming or video editing, I don't see the need of using video card.
I've found some of the items listed above on Tigers Direct but some items I could not find on you think you could re-link me to versions of those items? And perhaps a link to compatible RAM that's 4GB x2

I'm a bit confused...I do use my PC for video editing but almost zero for gaming. Would I need something good for editing with say Adobe Premiere Pro CS3? I may be able to squeeze in a cheap video card that gives good bang for its tiny buck while still not breaking my $800 quota???
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Does Intel make a good IGP? I know AMD does and it's supposedly the best. An HD 4xxx series will handle CS5.
I'd probly save a bit with AMD. Better onboard video, and get a SSD or 1090T if you want x6, for within $800.
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although these are great parts for his new PC, i would not purchase anything from newegg, they send you used hardware, i have purchased so called new ram, mp3 players, hard drives, etc. and all of them were tested out to be used, 100% sure of this, my cousin has had issues iwth them as well, they sent him used speakers, anyhow sorry off topic, but i just dont want to see you get burned as i have.
although these are great parts for his new PC, i would not purchase anything from newegg, they send you used hardware, i have purchased so called new ram, mp3 players, hard drives, etc. and all of them were tested out to be used, 100% sure of this, my cousin has had issues iwth them as well, they sent him used speakers, anyhow sorry off topic, but i just dont want to see you get burned as i have.
I think most would agree with me that Newegg has outstanding customer sevice and some of the best products/prices/combos/deals/promos around. I've never had a problem with HW that was the fault of NE, and they have went out of thier way, and beyond they're policy, to accomodate me on more than 1 occasion. You can buy with confidence from NE. I'm not promoting them, but you can't do much better.
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NewEgg has shipping and tax whereas tigerdirect doesn't and I need to squeeze every penny I have here. The only things I couldn't find on Tigerdirect was a DVD reader, 8 Gigs of RAM and a cooling fan to complete my checkout. Can someone point me out to one?

I don't think all the items on NewEgg is available at TigerDirect...I also think I may just buy a decent video card since the grand total of everything listed comes to around $700 and I was afraid I couldn't fit a separate video card on there that wasn't free on the mobo. I'm pretty sure I have the cash for it though...I may need to modify what MOBO I have to accommodate a better video card now since there was a tiny dispute about getting a better mobo albeit without an inbuilt video card...but since there's a bit of excess cash left I might as well pump that up a bit. I'd like to keep this around 800ish but if it tips over a maximum 900 I'm willing to make do for a good well-rounded PC. Advice on update?

Also, do you think I'd need a better PSU if I were to get a better video card?

Edit: This was all I could find on TigerDirect
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NewEgg has shipping and tax whereas tigerdirect doesn't and I need to squeeze every penny I have here. The only things I couldn't find on Tigerdirect was a DVD reader, 8 Gigs of RAM and a cooling fan to complete my checkout. Can someone point me out to one?

I don't think all the items on NewEgg is available at TigerDirect...I also think I may just buy a decent video card since the grand total of everything listed comes to around $700 and I was afraid I couldn't fit a separate video card on there that wasn't free on the mobo. I'm pretty sure I have the cash for it though...I may need to modify what MOBO I have to accommodate a better video card now since there was a tiny dispute about getting a better mobo albeit without an inbuilt video card...but since there's a bit of excess cash left I might as well pump that up a bit. I'd like to keep this around 800ish but if it tips over a maximum 900 I'm willing to make do for a good well-rounded PC. Advice on update?

Also, do you think I'd need a better PSU if I were to get a better video card?

Edit: This was all I could find on TigerDirect

Can I get a little more help here? I'm super close to purchasing all this :eek:
Thanks for the suggetions, vamilvas.

I'm regretting now just saying I wanted a well rounded PC with no huge gaping flaws.

I was wondering if I wanted to upgrade to an actual video card instead of onboard graphics later on if I'd need a better PSU / mother board and if I should pre-empt it now?
Thanks for the suggetions, vamilvas.

I'm regretting now just saying I wanted a well rounded PC with no huge gaping flaws.

I was wondering if I wanted to upgrade to an actual video card instead of onboard graphics later on if I'd need a better PSU / mother board and if I should pre-empt it now?

Strong motherboard and PSU are always recommended. Other parts can be upgraded later/cheaply.
I'm thinking about upgrading to this PSU...I think it's the same model but with a higher output of 650 instead of 450...I could be wrong. Double check for me?

Also, I've calculated how much cash I have left and I have $105 for my $800 limit with all the changes above (including the newer PSU if it's still compatible with everything).

There was some dispute earlier about the original suggested mobo not being what I would have wanted I've got a little bit more cash to splurge for a slightly better one along with a decent video card that gives best value for each dollar spent type of video card. I'm willing to go over my 800 a bit if it gives me dramatically better results. I can probably upgrade cards later which is why it doesn't need to be the best just yet. Gotta make sure the mother board is good though.

Just to re-iterate for my mobo...
- I'd like a mobo that has expandability for the future.
- I no longer really need it to have onboard graphics since I'm pleasantly surprised I may have enough for a decent video card.
- I'm sure mobos these days have onboard audio and would prefer it over buying a separate card.
- Needs to have a USB 3.0 slot

My real goal now is to just get an all-around good PC with no major downward spiking flaws in any category of interest. With all that in you think you can find me a better MOBO and Video Card? I really appreciate and love the help you guys are doing here; I don't wanna seem like a bother ... :(
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