I need to stop my brother from using all the bandwidth/downloads

ooh ooh, I have one, every time he starts downloading from a torrent, unplug the router, he will get pissed after a short space of time I would imagine. Or, you could play hide and seek with his components...now where did his memory go:rolleyes:
He did say at the beginning of his post that his bro does not have a computer of his own.Gooberman please read all post's.
Linkin93 your 16yrs he is 13yrs and you are afraid to give him a good thump what are you a whimp,stop moaning about him and take him outside and thump him.
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Good point... Since he doesn't have his own computer, you can change his user account to a restricted one and take away his ability to use the torrent software and install anything new.
To be honest, if it is that big of a problem either 1) talk to your brother and explain to him the problem or 2) just have your parents deal with it. For the record, and I am sure most of you know, I was kidding about the snake pit of black mambas.

I don't think we should really advocate using violence to solve problems here, joking about it is one thing, but someone could take that as a serious suggestion.
.. For the record, and I am sure most of you know, I was kidding about the snake pit of black mambas.

I don't think we should really advocate using violence to solve problems here, joking about it is one thing, but someone could take that as a serious suggestion.

clearing some stuff up:

He DOES have his own computer.
I DO thump him (when he deserves it! this isn't really something i'll get that angry at.. it's more of an irritant)
I HAVE really annoyed him while screwing with the router settings

We have changed to ADSL2+, and have gone over our download limit. But because we are changing plans we get unmonitored downloads and not-capped-to-64kbps internet for about a week, or until the ADSL2+ is connected.

[OT]I also wondered why my gigabit ethernet was only going at 100mbps... turns out or router can only do 10/100mbps. It's a 2wire 2701HGV-W Gateway. (It's OEM and you can't really get too advanced with it) It has an extremely strong wireless signal. even without an antenna.. the power level is only set t 4/10 by default... it uses WPA2-PSK 128bit and all other regular security methods, but i heard WPA2 has not been cracked yet so i configured it to use that.[/OT]

For now, he doesn't know that our internet is un-capped. I'm going to keep it that way otherwise he will start downloading again. I swear his HDD is going to run out of space soon.

As to what you guys said on page 2: he is using wireless, which can be disabled but easily turned back on even with a password. He has physical access to the router as do i. that's how i was able to reset the password because all the info is on the sticker.

Since my last post the parents have complained to him about the capped speed so he's in line now, I also told them about most torrents being illegal and the various consequences of pirating stuff. Not happy chappies.

lol @ spikes and snake pit full of black mambas :p

If i could afford a safe, yes i would put the router in there...

The worst i could do to his wireless is make the router limit all wireless access to 1mbps
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... it uses WPA2-PSK 128bit and all other regular security methods, but i heard WPA2 has not been cracked yet so i configured it to use that.

Hate to break it to you, but WPA2 is not invulnerable. This is old news. It isn't easy or quick, but it is possible.

Glad to hear the situation is settling down a bit though. Knocking down the WiFi default transmission speed isn't a bad idea. ...and safer than snakes.
To Gooberman my apologies i miss understood Linkin93,i thought he had only the one computer.No hard feelings i hope.
just lock your router in a box, he cant gain physical access that way.

Or you could try beating his ass ... option 2 is free
I think this was already suggested, but you could always lease his connection period to time out every x amount of hours/minutes. That may help, but only indirectly stops him from downloading.
What type of router is it? You should look into DD-WRT. It's a third party firmware that can be installed on certain routers. You can use it to configure your router in all sorts of ways that the stock firmware wouldn't let you. Notably, you would be able to disable the reset button on the back of the router, so he would not be able to reset the login and password on the router. Of course, if you ever forget the password you're never getting back in.

no, to reset the password there is a code printed on the router that you have to type into in resetting the power on the router doesn't reset passwords.
I didn't say anything about resetting the power, I was speaking of the master reset button located on the back of every router that I've ever seen. It resets all setting to the defaults, which could be used by your brother if you were to change the router's IP address.

Regardless, DD-WRT wouldn't work because I'm now guessing that you don't have just a router, but a combination DSL modem and router. Likely one given to you by your ISP, which means that it's doubtful that anyone here has any experience with it unless they are also subscribed to BigPond ADSL.

Because your brother connects to the modem directly, there are absolutely no settings you could change that your brother wouldn't be able to undo by simply master resetting the modem.
I didn't say anything about resetting the power, I was speaking of the master reset button located on the back of every router that I've ever seen. It resets all setting to the defaults, which could be used by your brother if you were to change the router's IP address.

Regardless, DD-WRT wouldn't work because I'm now guessing that you don't have just a router, but a combination DSL modem and router. Likely one given to you by your ISP, which means that it's doubtful that anyone here has any experience with it unless they are also subscribed to BigPond ADSL.

Because your brother connects to the modem directly, there are absolutely no settings you could change that your brother wouldn't be able to undo by simply master resetting the modem.

could always put some glue in that there hole, would like to see him press it then, especially if you were to shove a little bit of paper in there with the glue, or better yet, jam a toothpick in there that only barely fit in the hole and maybe even needs a little persuasion :)
could always put some glue in that there hole, would like to see him press it then, especially if you were to shove a little bit of paper in there with the glue, or better yet, jam a toothpick in there that only barely fit in the hole and maybe even needs a little persuasion :)

I though about suggesting something like that, but I'm betting that the router belongs to the ISP, so he'd have to pay for it. My idea was to pop it open and just desolder the button from the board.
when I used to live at my parents house, my brother (older) would do the same thing.
However, after if I asked him to stop, he usually would... Since it hampers online games quiittteee a bit.

So he eventually just would cap the speeds to about 5-10% of our max bandwith... then let it run 100% when I'm at work or sleeping (he input all the times and such)

So he could still download, and i could still play.
but we weren't capped.