I'm confused


New Member
I got a phone call from my internet provider telling me that someone was using my wi fi and downloading alot of games at once and my internet will slow down.

No one in the house is downlaoding so Im assuming someone is picking up a signal near by. My wi fi was secured to just the computers in the house but after a power outage awhile ago it became unsecured and I've been lazy in not getting around to fixing it.

I couldnt find the cd for my wire less router (its here somewhere) so looked in up on the net. Its a linksys and I followed the steps to make it secured again but now it is wont let me connect to it. Its saying the password is wrong even though its the same one i typed in to confirm it.

I'm confused why wont it accept the password :confused:

Its showing up as a secured network but wont let me on?
You need to call your linksys provider.

I had the same problem when I needed to add a new laptop to my linksys router. I kept trying to enter the same password I always had, but linksys ended up re-setting everything the entire router system.

hope this helps.
You need to call your linksys provider.

I had the same problem when I needed to add a new laptop to my linksys router. I kept trying to enter the same password I always had, but linksys ended up re-setting everything the entire router system.

hope this helps.

not even close. u have go into router settings, it should say how to in the manual. for mine i go to firefox and in the adress bar type"" Without quotes, some are "". from there u will be able to access all settings including security type, and then set a password.
I got a phone call from my internet provider telling me that someone was using my wi fi and downloading alot of games at once and my internet will slow down.

No one in the house is downlaoding so Im assuming someone is picking up a signal near by. My wi fi was secured to just the computers in the house but after a power outage awhile ago it became unsecured

I'm not sure I agree with ganzey, I'm not a security expert... not even close, but that sounds pretty suspicious to me.
no, there is no reason to call your lynksis provider, cause he might not even have a lynksis router, and to reset router all u gotta do is hold down reset button on the back.
...so looked in up on the net. Its a linksys and I followed the steps to make it secured again but...

no, there is no reason to call your lynksis provider, cause he might not even have a lynksis router


Edit: Oh, and some ISP's who provide their own routers will lock down the firmware so you can't directly access it to change settings, etc...
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How exactly does that not sound legit anyways? Every router I've ever come across has a special IP that gets me to the modem's configuration settings, where you can change stuff... that's nothing to with the firmware being "locked down" so to speak, it's just normal setting changing.

Anyways, I don't know how that exact router works, but unless it was actually given to you by your ISP I would just go ahead and set everything up myself, if possible.
I couldnt find the cd for my wire less router (its here somewhere) so looked in up on the net. Its a linksys and I followed the steps to make it secured again but now it is wont let me connect to it. Its saying the password is wrong even though its the same one i typed in to confirm it.

If you went into the router settings and created a password, and it's not accepting it, try unplugging the router for 60 seconds.

See if you can get online again.

If after you reset the password again, and you still can't connect, call your ISP.
^^if someone was using your internet, there is a slight chance that they decided to set a password so that you couldnt block them, try unplugging, or there might be a reset button on the back of the router.
Wow. First of all, LOL at the continued usage of the phrase "linksys provider". Linksys is a brand not a service. Whoever "provides" you with Linksys would just be whoever you bought the router from, and it's unlikely that they'll be able to assist you much with setting it up.

Anyway, Ganzey isn't actually too far off. Whenever you set up a router, it's always best to do it through the router's firmware rather than through the included CD. The CD is arguably easier, however it installs unneeded software and can often over complicate simple issues.

Anyway, the first thing you should do is start by pressing the small button on the back of the router. Hold it for about 15-30 seconds until you see the power light come off and on again. What this does is reset the router to it's factory settings. This will make it easier to set up in case any settings have already been changed.

Now, you'll need to connect to the router with any computer. It's easier if you do this wire a wired connection rather than a wireless. All routers have a "local IP address" that you can use to access the setting to configure them. Linksys routers use "" as ganzey mentioned. If you type this into your internet browser, it will take you straight to the router configuration page. This looks like a website, but you're actually just accessing the software that is embedded in the router.

When you enter in, a login box will pop up. The default username is "admin" and the default password is also "admin". You can change these later if you like, but once your network is secured only computers that you want to will be able to access it anyway.

Anyway, once you're in the router settings, you'll want select the tab a the top that says "Wireless". The first page, should look something like this:

You don't need to worry about most of these options other than "Wireless Network Name (SSID)". Here it should say "linksys" which is the name of the wireless network that you seen when you go to connect to it wirelessly. It's probably a good idea to change this, because if anyone else sets up a network nearby and uses the default "linksys" it can cause problems. After changing it, make sure you hit "save settings".

Next you'll go to "Wireless Security". Hopefully it should look something like this:

You'll want to set the "Security Mode" to WPA2 if available, otherwise WPA will work fine. Then, in "WPA Shared Key", you type whatever password you want to use to log on to your network wirelessly. Once you hit "Save Settings" and wait for your router to reset, it will be secured. Just go to your wireless settings and connect to whatever you changed the name to, and enter in your new password.
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What pohtay said is actually covered pretty damn well in depth with pictures and everything... perfect step by step on linksys.com

I used to frequent it often when changing settings that I didn't play with often enough to remember in my brain.
Wow. First of all, LOL at the continued usage of the phrase "linksys provider". Linksys is a brand not a service. Whoever "provides" you with Linksys would just be whoever you bought the router from, and it's unlikely that they'll be able to assist you much with setting it up.

Anyway, Ganzey isn't actually too far off. Whenever you set up a router, it's always best to do it through the router's firmware rather than through the included CD. The CD is arguably easier, however it installs unneeded software and can often over complicate simple issues.

Anyway, the first thing you should do is start by pressing the small button on the back of the router. Hold it for about 15-30 seconds until you see the power light come off and on again. What this does is reset the router to it's factory settings. This will make it easier to set up in case any settings have already been changed.

Now, you'll need to connect to the router with any computer. It's easier if you do this wire a wired connection rather than a wireless. All routers have a "local IP address" that you can use to access the setting to configure them. Linksys routers use "" as ganzey mentioned. If you type this into your internet browser, it will take you straight to the router configuration page. This looks like a website, but you're actually just accessing the software that is embedded in the router.

When you enter in, a login box will pop up. The default username is "admin" and the default password is also "admin". You can change these later if you like, but once your network is secured only computers that you want to will be able to access it anyway.

Anyway, once you're in the router settings, you'll want select the tab a the top that says "Wireless". The first page, should look something like this:

You don't need to worry about most of these options other than "Wireless Network Name (SSID)". Here it should say "linksys" which is the name of the wireless network that you seen when you go to connect to it wirelessly. It's probably a good idea to change this, because if anyone else sets up a network nearby and uses the default "linksys" it can cause problems. After changing it, make sure you hit "save settings".

Next you'll go to "Wireless Security". Hopefully it should look something like this:

You'll want to set the "Security Mode" to WPA2 if available, otherwise WPA will work fine. Then, in "WPA Shared Key", you type whatever password you want to use to log on to your network wirelessly. Once you hit "Save Settings" and wait for your router to reset, it will be secured. Just go to your wireless settings and connect to whatever you changed the name to, and enter in your new password.

To add to this:

My netgear has an option to show "Connected Devices". Check this first to even see of someone else is on your network. Or do as I said and download angry ipscanner. This shows the ip address and pc name of every pc on your network.


Thanks for you help guys/gals. I've now got it secured, the pictures helped to.

I dont care who was on it, ust happy its secured and mine again :)

Thanks again :good: :D