is this a good graphics card? over kill i know, i know...

No that video card sucks <Extreme sarcasm

ADE, I know you know as well as I do, that is the best card on the market. I am waiting on the 8950GX2, lol. They dropped the price on it, YES!! I might buy one...
what you do for work again?

Well, let me get started, I manage a photo biz during the busy seasons, Christmas, Spring, etc. In the Summer, I am doing what I am doing right now, I work at a Heating, cooling and refrigeration business, in the office as a secretary and book keeper. Yeah, I am a "pencil pusher", lol:D
Obviously it's a great card, the best gaming card on the market. I'm glad to see they came down in price to.

But I see you already have an 8800GTS, why do you want to upgrade already? The 8800GTS should be able to handle any current game on high or maxed out settings.
[-0MEGA-];705365 said:
But I see you already have an 8800GTS, why do you want to upgrade already? The 8800GTS should be able to handle any current game on high or maxed out settings.

welll... once you are retired and old, you have the money spare anyway.. ;o

OR.. you jsut dont get enough attention at home and try getting attention like this.. you choose :p
ADE, what do you do where you can drop 600 on a video card every year?

Also most games won't take advantage of the full on features. I mean is there really a difference between getting 100fps and 120fps?
Hehe, no. Your monitors refresh rate drops all frames above it. Most LCD's have a 60hz refresh rate meaning anything above that is squashed.
if u want somthing thats "future proof" buy the 8800 ultra and make sure ur MOBO can support sli and then later just buy another 8800ultra when need be, that would be an awesome system to have:D
if u want somthing thats "future proof" buy the 8800 ultra and make sure ur MOBO can support sli and then later just buy another 8800ultra when need be, that would be an awesome system to have:D

Why? SLI could very well be obsolete here very soon with dual (or quad) core GPUs coming out. Parallel processing has its caveats and from my understanding that is how SLI is set up. With multiple core processors you won't have the bottle neck issues of parallel processing, and the need to buy two graphics cards.

I'm sure we'll see multiple core GPU cards in the very near future
Why? SLI could very well be obsolete here very soon with dual (or quad) core GPUs coming out. Parallel processing has its caveats and from my understanding that is how SLI is set up. With multiple core processors you won't have the bottle neck issues of parallel processing, and the need to buy two graphics cards.

I'm sure we'll see multiple core GPU cards in the very near future

umm yes but he wants to buy a computer now and thats probably the best u can buy at the moment:D

when it comes to computers theres no such thing as "future proof" just keeping up