Laptop screen problems


New Member
Sometimes, my laptop screen just turns light blue, light purple or light green, for no reason!! Sometimes it's just parts of the screen, but sometimes it's the whole screen aswell, and then there's nothing left to do then rebooting, cause I don't see anything anymore.

I can't seem to be able to screen shot it, cause when it's only a part of the screen, it's over too fast, and when it's the whole screen..well ten I have to reboot. Or maybe just not in the screen itself..if you get what I mean.

Anyone knows what to do?


New Member
Is the warranty still valid?If yes the best thing to do is to return the laptop to the shop you bought it from.


New Member
For sure take the laptop back. It would be a wise thing to do, this kind of problems are not fixable in most of the cases.