Looking for a dictionary software


New Member
I am looking for a English dictionary software. (not free on line dictionary)
With this software, I can move mouse to a word to get definition and pronunciation. Someone can help me?


Well-Known Member

its not free and have used for years. you can highlight a word and will give you a definition. how to use it in a sentence, synonyms, type of, same as or equivalent, anagrams and many more feature pluggins. Languages etc. i just noticed a ver 6. i bought ver 4 and 5. if you do crosswords you will love this stuff. you can use wildcards etc. you can query lang*s and see all words that start with lang and end in s. or if you knew the 1st character was b and end in t and had six characters you could type b????t. great reference with documents or internet. created by some berkley students. it will even pronounce the word so you can hear it.

this also has a free ver
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