Looking for an old fish game


New Member
I used to play a game at school back in the early to mid 90's (I think) where you could select what fish you wanted to be from a rather long list. Then you would pretty much free swim around this reef and find other fish to eat (or whatever the fish you picked ate) and try not to be eaten yourself. I dont know why but it just popped into my head and now I really want to play it again. Only problem is I think it was for mac and I dont own one. However lets worry about that later. Sorry guys as I know I have not provided alot of info but this is all I remember.

BTW: You could be a cuddle fish, great white, tuna, all kinds of stuff.


New Member
insane aquarium? i use ot play that @ school, if you want try: bubble trouble 1&2 its fun and a time waster xD


Active Member
Oh man, I know what you're talking about! That game was awesome!

This was Win95-era I think. Maybe Win98, but just barely.

edit: I was in the 4th grade when I played it at school, which would have been '98-'99.


New Member
Yeah you guys are on the right track. Let me look up those games and see if they are what I am talking about. Thanks alot.

Edit: It is kinda like feeding frenzy but alot older. I played this game in like 94 maybe. I'm not sure.
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Odell Lake

What do I win? :p