Mac Snow Leopard question


New Member
I want to try Mac's Snow Leopard or newer in my home. I have messed around with it in stores a bit, but I want to try it in the real world. Trying an OS or computer in a store is like test driving a car on a driving simulator...Just doesn't give you the feel of it.

Besides downloading an illegal copy of OSx, which other ways are there to try OSx in my home, without buying it? (I don't know any friends with Macs).
What are the chances an Apple Store would let me install a copy without a registration key (serial number)?

I am tempted to download it soon to try it up to 30 days, but I want to keep things legal. All my Operating Systems are legal (Windows XP Pro, Vista, Seven, and Linux distributions).

I am fed up with Windows and use Ubuntu-Desktop as my main OS, ubuntu-Server as my...server OS... (I barely turn on my Windows computer any more) and I want to try something else.

The only free way is illegally.....haha. Look up requirements for osx and see if your pc qualifies. If so it's $29.99.
Isn't it illegal to install OSX on a PC? It's probably debatable, although I thought it was always technically illegal.
Being technical it supposedly breaks the EULA which supposedly says os x can only be installed on apple products. Though there is no law that says you can't if you legally purchased the software.
Isn't it illegal to install OSX on a PC? It's probably debatable, although I thought it was always technically illegal.
its only illegal in the terms of breaking the EULA.
OSX EULA 2A said:
2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions.
A. Single Use. This License allows you to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on a single Apple-labeled computer at a time. You agree not to install, use or run the Apple Software on any non-Apple-labeled computer, or to enable others to do so. This License does not allow the Apple Software to exist on more than one computer at a time, and you may not make the Apple Software available over a network where it could be used by multiple computers at the same time.
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haha the way that is worded is highly debatable.

non-apple-labeled computer. If you had a computer with no label that technically doesn't break the EULA
Isn't it illegal to install OSX on a PC? It's probably debatable, although I thought it was always technically illegal.

Its only illegal if you make a hackintosh...which is can not install OSX on a PC the hardware between mac and PC is different and a PC will not recognize it.

I do have to say I have a macbook running snow leopard and I like it..but I do still use windows just about as much
]you can not install OSX on a PC the hardware between mac and PC is different and a PC will not recognize it.

Not true. The bootloader won't be able to load it. Though, that's all I'm going to say, to adhere to the forum rules. :good:

TS, the only legal way to have snow leopard is to have a mac device and install snow leopard on it, if it doesn't already have it.
Its actually easy to imitate the mac computer. HD5770 and p68 motherboard and your there.

And there is no law against it. You violate the EULA as said above, but thats not a violation of the law.
too many replies to answer each one. lol

I would use a virtual machine to test the os


The EULA is the law; it's the license agreement which guides how their product could be used.
Not to say that if Dodge included a EULA stating that you cannot pull out a Chev or a Ford from a hole, and you did, that it would be punishable by law.

I changed my mind about Apple. I think I will avoid their products :)

It was great reading all of the replies though. Entertaining
As a former Apple Employee yes its 100% illegal. In the Apple termd of service it states their software can only legally be ran on a Apple branded machine. Sucks don't it. plus with out running the OS on a true Mac machine your wasting your time. Its designed for a Mac not a PC. Hardware changes between them will make a huge difference. Useing a EUMLA emulator will not help you. Sure the OS will run but whats the point. Mac is junk compared to any PC based OS. You can say thats debatable but I say their is no debate. Their is a reason Microsoft has 95% market share. It an't because Bill gates was a smooth talker or stold something. Its because PC is cheaper, faster, smoother and just allround better machine. Mac took the PC concept and made their own version. Hence their own version key word. UNIX, Linux and Windows all use PC. Why? Because this is the machine they were designed to run on. Sadlly Mac was bassed off UNIX which was designed for PC, so whos going to run better? Not a Mac. The only thing Mac can run better then Windows, Linus or UNIX is a Marketing Plan. Sorry to break it to all the Mac users but your company is full of lies and marketing schemes. I quite Apple not because they were a crappy machine but because Apple as a company is very unethical in their sales approach. I'm not a fan of lieing to someone so they will buy Mac and Mac products. But thats a personal issue. Anyway, yes using Mac software on a non Mac based machine is breaking the law. However, so was jailbreaking till that was over turned. So legally anything can be legal if over turned.