

VIP Member
It has been so long since I have posted a question under this area of the forum but don't know if this is good or not. I found a store that is selling refurb Macbook's from apple with a 90 day warranty from Apple for $699

They are the last generation so dual core, 2 GB DDR3 and 250 GB HDD.

I do not seem them online, I found it in store though. I was talking to the guy there cause they have two Apple Tech's and he said it is a new feature for them to be carrying them.
I am not too familiar with Macbook, my son have one, but I don't know much about it. Can you guys tell me is there anything this Macbook can do and a brand new pc laptop with qua-core and 4gb ram and 750gb harddrive can't do? I am just curious nothing more.
Best regards.
Can you guys tell me is there anything this Macbook can do and a brand new pc laptop with qua-core and 4gb ram and 750gb harddrive can't do?

From my knowledge the only thing people want apple for, aside from the emblem is for music making. i really dont know much about music though so i couldnt tell you.
From my knowledge the only thing people want apple for, aside from the emblem is for music making. i really dont know much about music though so i couldnt tell you.

Personally, my next laptop will be a Mac mostly for the build quality. I'll use Bootcamp most of the time and dual-boot OSX and Windows.
I want one mainly due to OSX, but I do worry about coming from Linux to OSX I am afraid that I might not like it.
OSX is nice looking but pesonally i hate it

if you worry about not liking it then dual boot OSX with Ubuntu and remove the one you like the least
I want one mainly due to OSX, but I do worry about coming from Linux to OSX I am afraid that I might not like it.

It's tough to compare really. Especially since I only have limited Linux knowledge but what I will say is it's much better than windows. It has similar traits to Linux, better performance, better resource management, obviously UNIX base.

As voyagerfan said the build quality is top notch and that alone is a selling point personally.
Are you guys sure the built quanlity still so much superier? because the main component in the machine are the same now, both are Intel Core i5 or i7. so I can imagine the others are catching up too. remember all the rest of them are from China now. I just can't tell my self to buy a second hand computer with less configuration for more or same money.
By build quality I mean in general. The feel of the machine the feel of the OS. The nicest thing I think is the fact that the hardware and OS are designed with each other in mind so the overall feel is better than you could ever get in a PC based machine.
Also I'm assuming its the unibody version which is far superior to most PC laptops.
You could throw a Macbook out the window and (as long as it's an SSD) it would probably still work.
i would bet on that. Assuming that they are still aluminum. They are much better built than most laptops. The only ones i would say are near to the same quality is Thinkpads and maybe the toughbooks.
I just bought my first Mac a Mac Book Pro. with Intel i7 and a 750 H.D. Many things a lot different from my windows Computers. but many things I really like.:)
You could throw a Macbook out the window and (as long as it's an SSD) it would probably still work.

My laptop(the one I'm typing on, and in sig) was thrown at the previous owner by his ex before it landed in my hands a couple years ago. Not to mention all the other abuse it went through before I got it (cleaned out lots of dried soda when I got it, most keyboard keys were missing).

Laptops can be tough, aluminum or not. Sudden hardware failure is the real danger, and that affects all manufacturers.

Sorry, not trying to rain on anyones parade or anything, shit just happens
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I don't care if it is Aluminum or not, from my understanding the difference between SOME PC and a Mac is the Mac uses tier one parts. I guess this really does not matter cause I have had many PC's and they last just as long as Apple's computers.

My main thing is to give OSX a shot but still unsure cause my Vaio holds up pretty well and LMDE is keeping my interest.