Malicous Software From p2p?


New Member
I am writing a paper on p2p file sharing programs and would like to get some more information on how you get malicious software from these programs? It is for my research paper and i am doing a presetation on it also. any information would be helpful. I will correctly site the information used by your screenname in my bibliography.


VIP Member
Well, I know that a lot of the time some trojan horses and other programs are embedded in files that people will share on these networks as a way to gain access to others computers. I've personally had to repair a few computers that had Kazaa (really bad during it's day), Audiogalaxy and others.


VIP Member
The size of the file!

You can pretty much determine what kind of a file is a virus attempt and what kind of a file is probably real. I'm sure you have came across these once or twice... Like you may be trying to download a certain file, and the size of it is like 87.8 kb. Where you know it should be more.

Also, it may come from the file that you downloaded, even though it seems that it is a legitimate file. You should always scan it with your preferred Antivirus first.

One other possibility you may want to look into is it's extension.