I'm running a CPU check on Something mistersprinkles set me to do. Does anyone else know this site?
Prime95 is a software to calculate prime numbers. It can be used as a stress test for CPU's because it makes them max out their capabilities. I wouldn't run it though honestly as they make your computer consume more power than needed and makes it unnecessarily hot. I've even had Prime make my computer unstable at stock clock speeds.

Since you're not overclocking you gain nothing by running it, I'd just leave it alone.
Prime95's an interesting beast. I think the longest time I've ran that thing was like 5-10 minutes to see where the temps would go. But that's about it. The people who run Prime95 for hours... are nuts or have amazing cooling.
Prime95's an interesting beast. I think the longest time I've ran that thing was like 5-10 minutes to see where the temps would go. But that's about it. The people who run Prime95 for hours... are nuts or have amazing cooling.
I would run it for several hours to test my overclocks to make sure not only of temps but that the overclock is stable as well.
Prime95 used to be my favorite stress test back in version 25.x. Then it was found out it could pull more voltage than you've allowed, so I stopped using it.
My Phenom 555 3.2GHz -> 4.2GHz at less than stock voltage would fail on one core after ~19 hours. One bump in voltage and it was fine.
It's a shame, but I still wouldn't recommend it.
For any i7 I recommend OCCT 4.4.1 with Linpack AVX 'All logical cores enabled'. Tests RAM and CPU at the same time.
Even without overclocking, I still run stress tests on any PC I build. Albeit for much shorter periods.
The reason I wanted Martin to run Prime 95 was to see how much temperature overhead he had available for overclocking on his current cooler. We were planning on a "no voltage added" slight overclock just to get his feet wet in OC. Just to clarify, P95 will only make Intel CPUs capable of AVX instruction sets pull more power than they are rated for (afaik). With Pentium/Celeron/most AMD (The chip in question is a PII 965) it does not run the instruction sets where excessive power draw takes place. (Case in point I recently ran P95 on my Pentium G 3258 and I did not exceed 31W on the chip. The chip is rated for significantly more than 31W. Also, let's not go consuming TDP which is a measure of heat generation with rated power.)

Darren, if P95 "made your computer unstable" then your computer actually was unstable. This can happen on stock clocks with auto bios settings in many cases.

There is no harm in Martin running P95 on his Phenom II 965 for a few minutes to see where the temperatures go. :)

Cheers folks.
The reason I wanted Martin to run Prime 95 was to see how much temperature overhead he had available for overclocking on his current cooler. We were planning on a "no voltage added" slight overclock just to get his feet wet in OC. Just to clarify, P95 will only make Intel CPUs capable of AVX instruction sets pull more power than they are rated for (afaik). With Pentium/Celeron/most AMD (The chip in question is a PII 965) it does not run the instruction sets where excessive power draw takes place. (Case in point I recently ran P95 on my Pentium G 3258 and I did not exceed 31W on the chip. The chip is rated for significantly more than 31W. Also, let's not go consuming TDP which is a measure of heat generation with rated power.)

Darren, if P95 "made your computer unstable" then your computer actually was unstable. This can happen on stock clocks with auto bios settings in many cases.

There is no harm in Martin running P95 on his Phenom II 965 for a few minutes to see where the temperatures go. :)

Cheers folks.
Pablo-I am looking for you on Skype.
Hi Martin, sorry I missed you. I'm on skype now and for the next little while, then I'm taking my mom out for mother's day dinner around 5 or so.