need help asap...building comp before college short on time...


New Member
ok so i have recently decided to build a gaming computer before college because i was just introduced to starcraft and i am i have been browsing for awhile but each day i spend looking for deals its just more time i am wasting because i dont know what i am looking at lol. so i am basically building this computer solely for starcraft, and streaming video if that doesnt bump the price up too much. i am working with a budget in the 750 850 range and what ever bulild would give me the most bang for my buck while playing starcraft...thanks for the help in advance...and the 750 850 is excluding the mouse keyboard and monitor i expect to get those cheap and just upgrade them ad time goes on. thanks again:) and by short on time i mean need it done by the time i move in august 26!
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what nation do you live in? and monetary system. you just said 750-850, you didnt say pounds, dollars, marcs, euros, etc.
sorry in us, dollars it is

well im not one too know too much about computer but being on here for a while i have learned quite a bit, you should be able to get something that will run starcraft really nice, but if you want a good RTS try a total war game such as shogun 2 because it is the newest, turn based campaign map along with the amazing massive real time battles is insane, and it really separates the whole recourse and the micro managing the battles, i find starcraft to be annoying and boring after i started to play total war games
i just really got into the competitive nature of the game... but once i get a computer going i will be sure to check out the other good pc games out there
4GB is all you need to game. More wont really help. If you are doing image editing and such, then more would help.
Each computer needs its own copy of windows. one license wont "legally" install to multiple systems.
If you have your school email yet:

It does say upgrade, but it really is the full windows 7. I've installed it on two systems (two keys, though, can't share it) from a full wipe, so its not just an upgrade.

I would up the MoBo to a better brand. There have been bad reviews about their boards dying.

Here's some cheaper but still good PSUs
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ok cool yea i will go up in motherboard if its def the right thing to do...and thanks for the help you two, i just trying to get a good build together before school and its looking pretty good ...have any estimates on what kinda graphics i will be able to play on when i get it together??? i will probably start ordering thursday so thats when i want to be sure of everything. thanks again
ok that is very good news and thanks again, if you have any other suggestions for the build in the near future i am always ready to make positive adjustments

That's a good deal. The processor is pretty much similar, except with one more unlocked multiplier or something, so unless you're overclocking, they'd be pretty much the same chip. The GPU is better than the one mentioned before, and that combo is $5 less than the other GPU and CPU together.

Yes the combo has a better cpu and gpu for a slightly higher price from shipping costs.

This is a less expensive and better hard drive
Another option for your hard drive..

Less expensive gpu 5850

Less expensive case, it will work with the 5850 but not sure about the 5870

Mobo with a rebate