Need help!


New Member
so im going to college soon and have decided to get a desktop. I was going to build my own but then realized that i wouldn't have a warranty like i would if i bought a laptop or a prebuilt desktop. Hating all major brands, i've decided to go through either or First question is, which is better? Second question is, are their prices pretty good for what you get? I've built a quad core 3.0ghz computer with 2gb ram, 500gb hard drive, yada yada, with a 20.1'' lcd monitor, speakers, keyboard, mouse, vista all that jazz for around $1200 shipped. Do you guys think this is the best way to go since with both of those companies i get a 3 year warranty, whereas if i built my own i'd have no warranty on the computer, only on the parts individually. Thoughs/opinions wanted/needed


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
If you build and get the warranty on just the parts, it's easier. If something breaks, you just send back that one part whereas if you had a full warranty you'd have to ship the whole computer back.


New Member
yeah, but in order to find out what part isn't working on a computer built by myself, i'd have to take it somewhere like best buy to have it tested. and generally the parts on a computer built by me wouldn't have the same amount of time, not 3 years atleast