new post per day record.

everything that seemingly exist comes from a mould. but each form to be in existence "breathes" so to speak :)
ok, how about god. regardless of which religion you believe in, god ultimately stands for life amongst other things.
well.. only "god" knows what s/he is right? as beings of flesh and blood, one's comprehension is limited to one's comprehension of the whole universal system... and to cut the story short as it can go on and on and on... s/he is beyond all comprehension... like for example... as much as foregranted for a person to know another, the other person's "life.loneliness.experiences" can only be known and experienced by the one that knows and not by the other unless the other is priviledge to know... and the other is not the one, so... voila :)
so... look at the unity within the multiplicities... we wouldn't call the universe multiverses... so look there to find your "answer"... to "life"...
amazingly, i understood all of that. :eek:

but i stick with my original statement... without life, there is no existence
AainaalyaA said:
as you were saying Z.... about threads and etcetera..
i'm lost... all i know is that is an very old thread that i remember nothing about. AA, you need to get on the aim bandwagon so we can chat again from time to time. i miss our talks. :(
yeah i know... i miss you too... hell! I miss everyone esp. SuZ, MoonDancer, Ian, Tab, Cptnwinky, adorable chroder... and the madhatters of WMF.

Right now am terribly busy working on an Offline Magazine {Business Lifestyle}, and projects are piling up and ...busy busy, I'm hardly online... but I will get my 6600 zapped up at least 2 hours for "aimming" so that we can .... {fill in the blanks} :p

