November Folding Marathon!

I know it's not required, just trying to spread the word.

Seeing it in peoples signature certainly does get more folders.

That's why I'm doing it...:cool:
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I think you guys should add the folding line to your signatures yes?

Here's the code, including our Team Stats page.

I fixed it...thank you;)

Enter me for the HDD, and I'll put up a Sony internal card reader as a prize :)

Consider it done:D

On a side note....never saw that you had the hdd for sale, else i would have bought it because i need a backup drive.

That's been there for like a month:p

The numbers are growing...we may have attracted a few new members as well. Welcome to the fight:D
The word is already getting out! The team stats are moving up:D

Alright, I'll sign up! I don't want a prize if I win.

I'm buying a GTX 260 tomorrow just for this... and also because my 2nd 8800GT is about to die. :(
Alright, I'll sign up! I don't want a prize if I win.

I'm buying a GTX 260 tomorrow just for this... and also because my 2nd 8800GT is about to die. :(

Sweet...another participant:D

That sucks your 8800GT is giving up:( What brand is it? There may be a life time warranty that you can take advantage of. A friend of mine did an RMA for an Evga 8800GT a few weeks ago. He had the card for almost 3 years and got back a brand new shiny 9800GT.

You will love the performance of your new GTX 260...great card
Sweet...another participant:D

That sucks your 8800GT is giving up:( What brand is it? There may be a life time warranty that you can take advantage of. A friend of mine did an RMA for an Evga 8800GT a few weeks ago. He had the card for almost 3 years and got back a brand new shiny 9800GT.

You will love the performance of your new GTX 260...great card
I don't know if the warranty is still valid since I live in NZ and bought it in the US. I'm not sure on Zotac warranty either. I'll try it on a few machines and if it works, it's off to ebay.
as it sounds, the prizes arent given away by how much you do, as long as you do 1, your name is entered into a drawing for them.
It's not a competition then?

I thought the member that got the most points/work units would win.?

So, I can quit after I get one work unit done, and win a keyboard?
Look right above your you see the Folding @ Home team sig banner? That is what he is talking about.:) When more people see the banner...then more people will learn about the cause and the team.

Folding @ Home is a distributed computing program done by Stanford University.'s a small program that runs in the background and receives work units and sends them once finished. You get points for completed work units.

Folding @ Home studies diseases such as Alzheimer's, ALS, Huntington's, Parkinson's disease, and many Cancers.

Your computer works to help scientist understand the complexities of these diseases and potentially will assist in finding a cure. can actually.

Wouldn't it be more beneficial to the cause to award the prizes based on
the work that's actually being done?

There's no incentive this way.?

I thought you would mark each entrants starting stats and compare that with the end results.

This would create "competition" and urge members to fold more, which is the point of the whole thread isn't it?

As it stands, this thread only encourages members to complete a single unit.