*Official* Post Your Pictures Thread

You know how picky I am when it comes to HDR ;)

Yeah I know you're not a big fan of it. I must admit that recently I've not been doing so many HDRs, but then again aircraft don't look very good in HDR. ;) I find it works best for landscapes.
Looks like an adventure EvanK. Reminds me of Alaska. The men are going some where next year. Suggested Alaska again. Likely go in the bush on the Montreal river in Canada to bait bear and moose. and fish. and bird hunt. No it will be in Sept. It will happen. Always an adventure. For the record we go every year. I go maybe 3 or 4 times a year. I love the adventure. Im ready for a survival trip. Thats my brother and what he does.
A couple photos from the mountains...






Shiiiiiit son, they're amazing, dude! What did you use to shoot them on? What aperture and exposure was the third shot?

Love all of them.
It was a cloudy day and the sun was directly above the trees though I think.
The advantage of HDR is a greater dynamic range, assuming the lower exposure shots were several stops lower you should be able to see cloud detail. I'm not saying they aren't good photos, just that it doesn't seem to be utilizing the benefits of what HDR can do. :)