Official Screenshot Thread

I've been playing DayZ a lot, lately:




Hubba hubba someones been raiding the airfield :p

Love dayz but not played for a while due to being spawn killed with all my gear :( Had an alice, m41a1 (or w/e you cal it) with acog and god knows how many rounds, and loads of food, water, map and everything.
Spent enough time getting it to run.

Those are good framerates! I remember when BF3 came out everyone was complaining about how horrible it ran and how many bugs it had on PC.... seems fine now. Did they patch it?

Anyway, why did they add colorblind support? I mean, thats cool and all, but I have never seen that in any other game.

Ill post a screen of my FPS at ultra 1080p. :p
MW3 has colourblind support. thats the only other one I have seen it on though.

They have been patching it steady since release. And they better be good rates. This is a strong system, not the strongest, but getting there.
MW3 has colourblind support. thats the only other one I have seen it on though.

They have been patching it steady since release. And they better be good rates. This is a strong system, not the strongest, but getting there.

Your GTX 480? No offense, but a little old school :p . I cant dog it though, I kept my 8800GTS until a few weeks ago :D

Here my screens (vsync is on so 60FPS cap):

Then my sadly guy had a heart attack before I could knife the enemy :p

I really have no idea what happened, I was coming up behind him to knife him and when it said press LMB I pressed LMB and then I died. I was like WTF.
no offence to EVGA or the new cards, but I am matching you at the same settings. And the 480 is a 570 minus a few power save features. And again, I challenge anyone to find a functioning GTX 570 or GTX 670 for $152.
no offence to EVGA or the new cards, but I am matching you at the same settings. And the 480 is a 570 minus a few power save features. And again, I challenge anyone to find a functioning GTX 570 or GTX 670 for $152.

Nah man. Im running 1080p your running just above 720p and I have vsync on like I said so I wont go above 60. I can turn it off though and see what it goes up to.

I wasnt saying the 480 is a bad card, I was just joking man.

EDIT: Without vsync:

I took more screens but MSI I guess didnt want to save them.
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To be fair guys, your playing campaign. Get on MP on caspian border 64 player. Its a much better way of testing your hardware.
That is true, though they will run it smooth. The experience will also be much better and more fun.
Played a bit of insurgency yesterday. Iv given up on dayz as every server is using the beta patch for a2 and i cant be arsed messing about with that. So iv basically been playing 7cav servers as there usually well populated and the guys that go on are sound.

Any way heres some screenies








Im not a fan of arrowhead, prefer the original ARMA 2 tbh. Was in a clan for a bit and it was loads of fun!
I prefer combined ops. Its much fuller, more stable and you get all the content from a 2 but on the oa engine revision. Its runs better, looks better and more content :p Whats not to like.

That said i would probably prefer a2 if it was a choice between a2 or arrowhead. But both combined is just awesome.

Been trying to play if lib 44 MP but no ones on it :( They seriously need to patch it. Im stuck on the campaign because its broken beyond all repair half way through. Awesome game but soooooooo buggy.
After seeing some ARMA 2 videos on youtube, it looks like a pretty sweet game. I watched some stuff on ARMA 3 too and it looks like a buy for me. So I went ahead and got the combined pack thing and it should be done downloading in 2 hours. In the mean time, heres another GTA4 shot and some Metro 2033 (still the best looking game out there if you ask me):

If you ask me, 4A is the last company that gives a damn about PC gamers. I mean, with those ultra high resolution textures and the particle effects matched with that amazing lighting system they are really the only ones taking advantage of todays hardware right now. And whats better, is they were able to make the game for console too without half assing the PC version like Crytek and DICE.

ArmA 2 max settings:

Lets just say the carrier landing did not go very well......its hard as crap to fly anything in this game, even with my joystick. Crazy.
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lol joysticks dont go well as the gam,e doesnt do analogue thrust very well. With a mouse and keyboard all the aircraft are piss easy to fly. The easiest thing to do is change your key layout. Change increase thrust to W, decrease thrust to S, rudder left to A, rudder right to D, then bank left to mouse left and bank right to mouse right.

I guarentee it will be a lot easier.
Myself and another of the clan members tried to play lib 44 as well, came up against the same problem as you :(.

If you are ever online when we both are need to get some mp set up
Definately, i have some missions iv edited that need some testing if you and your clan mates fancy it. Ones a pretty basic quick mission with full briefing.

The other is a pvp 2 base/side mission. The second one i have a slight problem with (its capture and hold or eliminate leader style mission) Iv sorted the triggers for capturing and holding the bridges but the eliminate leader i cant get it to end the mission. Maybe if your clan mates know anything about scripting they could lend a hand :p
lol joysticks dont go well as the gam,e doesnt do analogue thrust very well. With a mouse and keyboard all the aircraft are piss easy to fly. The easiest thing to do is change your key layout. Change increase thrust to W, decrease thrust to S, rudder left to A, rudder right to D, then bank left to mouse left and bank right to mouse right.

I guarentee it will be a lot easier.

I find the stock controls work fine for me, but one thing I cannot stand is mouse aiming deadzone and smoothing. Why those are on by default, I have no idea.
I like mouse smoothing, i prefer it on full wack. but aiming deadzone i have that all the way to the left.

EDIT: Finally got back into IF 1944, been absolutly killing the config file to get it running smooth and its payed off. Anyway the summery time shots are vanilla IF. The cold and moody looking ones are a mission im working on where iv played about with some modules in the editor to give the colours a cold, winters day, frost bitey feel. I think iv pulled it off. As for the mission its pretty much complete bar intro and outro. If anyone has any experiance making these for arma 2 please let me know as its the same for IF. Or if anyone wants to try and test my mission for me let me know and i can email it you or stick it online somewhere for download.

Anyways heres the screenies.













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