Photo Tourney - Computer Peripherals


Well, here is the new photo tourney, its the first one I've posted, so I hope I don't mess anything up :rolleyes:
The theme is Computer Peripherals, I should hope that everyone here would know what these are, but in case you are unsure, please refer to the link below.
You are allowed to use photo editing software, but please keep it minimal.

Here is a link to Wikipedia for more info:

Playing this tournament is simple:

A tournament involves 10 different members max.
The winner of the last tournament will give a theme, and those who want to participate will post their pictures (only one per person). Please, No more than ten participants total.

When all participants have entered their picture in the tournament (please submit a link along with your picture), I will then create another thread to vote on the pictures via a poll.

New Rules:
- Absolutely no voting for your own photo.
- No spot saving; you will only be counted if you have a picture submitted.
- Only one picture may be posted at a time, if you decide to change it, please edit the original post.
- No posting an image that has previously won a competition.

So in brief:
- Users who wish to participate please post your image within this thread followed by a link to the image source.
- After ten participants have entered the tournament, a second thread will be made with a poll to vote on the pictures.

Winners will simply be the one who gets the most votes. He/she will then create another thread in which they propose a different theme for the next tournament.

Please resize your pictures to no larger than 800 x 600
This tournament will have 5 days of voting.

You are permitted to change your image but if you could just change the URL in your original post and leave an edited comment with it.

And here is my contribution to this competition.
Yeah, I'll allow invertion. Its just, I don't want people rendering entire things into their pic and crap like that.

And, Omega, I'm afraid Omar is correct, sorry.
I am willing to make an exception, so all 11 will be accepted. However, alexyu has a good point, I'm afraid some of your images are not the proper size, if that is the case, then they will not be included in the competition. You all have plenty of time to edit you images. Thanks :D
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